“Red Lion” is one of our very popular teas. This plantation from Mingjian has proved us its unique character that is not any inferior to the famous Yuchi site. We would like to try a new approach to process this material by using Mr. Zhuang’s material, and he agreed.
We adopted the same technique we used in processing oolong by carefully supervising the fermentation transformation inside the material. Despite taking more effort than usual, this turned out to be something quite different from “Red Lion” as expected. This tea deserved a special spot in our black tea collection.
MingJian is a place that never cease to surprise us. We hope this Taiwan Sourcing style Ruby black tea “Ruby Lion” will be another meaningful tea to store and age in your black tea collection. From “Red Lion” to “Ruby Lion,” we know Taiwanese tea lovers can certainly feel that transformation not just in their mouth, but the whole body as well.
Harvest Season: Winter 2019 / 冬 貳零壹玖
Varietal: #18 Ruby / 紅玉 拾捌號
Elevation: 400 M / 肆佰 公尺
Region: Mingjian / 名間
Fermentation Level: 85 % / 分之 捌拾伍
Roast Level: 0 / 無