I made a mistake with this one. I read the ingredient list before tasting it – vanilla, bergamot, jasmine – kind of a wow in my head. So I had already made up my mind what this would taste like. The cup itself is a ruby orange brew. It has a light vanilla scent. The taste is light vanilla with a pleasant black base. It is probably Ceylon but has no bitterness. It is kind of drying so have it with a snack. I had no desire to add sweetener. The bergamot is a very light touch and only serves to round out the cup. Sounds great, but I found myself disappointed searching for the jasmine. I just cannot pull it out of the blend. Had I not read the ingredients I would have accepted this as a nice vanilla black tea with just a hint of citrus. Maybe if I had this without the jasmine to compare, it would become obvious what it adds. I hat when your brain over-analyzes instead of just enjoys.