Honey Scented Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Caramel, Honey, Bread, Creamy, Dill, Dried Fruit, Floral, Malt, Oats, Flowers, Spices
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Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 9 oz / 266 ml

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16 Tasting Notes View all

From Oollo Tea

The best kept secret of Taiwan. This black tea is celebrated for its unforgettable honey aroma and lusciously velvet caramel liquor.

Varietal: Qingxin Oolong
Mandarin Name: 蜜香紅茶

Grower Name: Fu Family
Location: Pinglin, New Taipei, Taiwan
Elevation: 400m

Amount: 2 tbls / 3g
Water: 250 ml
Temperature: 95~100 C
Brewing Duration: 2-4 min
Repeat Brews: 4 brews
Teaware: Glass and Porcelain
Gongfu Brewing: 150ml water, 1st brew 20", 2nd 40", 3rd 1’, 4th 1’40"
Cold Brewing: 2tbls / 3g in 250ml water then refrigerate for at least 3 hours

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16 Tasting Notes

39 tasting notes

this is OKAY…not great nor bad…180ml Ru ware pot 8g tea…

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1403 tasting notes

Ok, ok, so this morning I resteeped these tea leaves and wow. The aroma and flavour opened up to reveal a nice full bodied delicately spiced honey biscuit grounded with the black tea. This black tea is really oolong-ish with the crazy wiry long crumpled strands of leaf. Delicous. Here is a tea to sit with. I wish I had more time to sit with the next steep and the next but off to the naturopath I go.



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307 tasting notes

Marco Polo TTB

Soo… It’s a black tea… no, it’s an oolong! What?

Definitely “honey scented”, although I wonder if that is because of flavoring or bug bites.

It was just ‘ok’ when I thought it was a black tea, but judging from the profile of an oolong it’s actually quite nice!

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4330 tasting notes

Tea of the morning! This one came from Dexter’s big box of tea love. The leaves are somewhat chaotic-looking – some of them are long and twisty, some fold back upon themselves, and some are almost rolled up. There are also stems mixed in. Dry scent is whole wheat crackers and honey.

The steeped tea smells rich with strong honey, bread, and dried fruit aromas. The taste is surprisingly bready and creamy. There’s definitely honey, especially near the end, and there’s a nice bottom note of concentrated dried fruit flavor. I’m also tasting a hint of some kind of savory spice, dill perhaps? It goes nicely with the bread flavor. The aftertaste is all honey and oats with the lightest touch of floral. Overall, pretty tasty!

Flavors: Bread, Creamy, Dill, Dried Fruit, Floral, Honey, Malt, Oats

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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480 tasting notes

When I see “honey” I usually connect it to “Ceylon-like”, because it’s usually true. It’s got very long, twisting leaves, a bit like a strip oolong; the taste is bright, honey oak (again, very like a ceylon). I get a caramel note if I sort’ve just let it sit on my tongue a bit, but otherwise it’s a little too “bright” for caramel, I think. Smooth, barely even astringent.
Edit: Second steep (also three minutes) is sweeter, I think. Though there’s still that bright oaky honey ceylon.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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345 tasting notes

I still have a hard time not associating plain tea with iced tea. This may be my first oolong? 1st steep reminded me of hot iced tea but a little roasted, 2nd and 3rd steep I got more of the honey with it.

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4843 tasting notes


The leaves look a bit more like a dark Oolong than a black tea, which comes as no surprise since this tea comes from an Oolong varietal, but it is apparently fermented longer like a black tea. It tastes more like an Oolong than a black tea too, it doesn’t really have that dark, deep flavor of a black tea. It has that lighter, smoother flavor of an Oolong.

Not a bad thing, though, as I do enjoy honey Oolong teas. Smooth, very little astringency, honey notes, and a crisp, clean flavor. Nice, I enjoyed it.

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188 tasting notes

I’m not even going to rate this tea as I didn’t even get a chance to try it. I got a good deal to try the Amoda box and this was one of the blends we received. Hubby found this one and that was it… gone in a couple of days… Vamoosh… !!

I did manage one sip of his one evening.. the last cup, and only because I caught him. He rarely adds sugar and didn’t with this one. It smell of black tea and honey, tasted like a rich black tea and I didn’t get much honey but probably because I associate honey w/sweetness.

He said he likes the way this smells and tastes of honey. To me honey is exceptional sweetness… I get the flavor is there w/o the sweetness, but to get the honey flavor, I would find myself adding sugar I’m sure.

I’m glad he enjoyed this one.. but completely surprised he drank the whole thing w/o offering me a sip! He knows I like to try at least a tiny sample of most everything. Guess he didn’t want to share this one… :)

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1307 tasting notes

I found myself craving black tea this morning. I don’t actually have much black tea in my collection anymore, since I’m not really supposed to be drinking it. I got this one from an Amoda box. It’s not bad, but it didn’t really hit the spot either. This definitely has honey notes. It has a savory note that I always think of as mushroomy. I’m not picking up on any other flavors though. This is a decent black, but it’s not as robust and complex as I was hoping. Ah well. At least it didn’t make my stomach hurt much.

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15575 tasting notes

dexter sent this one my way as a surprise so i figured i should try it out this weekend as i’m puttering around trying to get ready for games night! This one is pretty tasty, but there’s a weird after taste to it that i’m not a fan of. It smells delicious and the brew is a smooth cup of tea. there are some honey notes to this, though not as much as some of the taiwanese blacks that i’ve had from stacy or TTC. It would be great, if not for the after taste. Thanks for letting me try this one dex!

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