“Available packages include: 23oz…”
Following my recent “I like white peach flavoured stuff” revelation I decided to break my Nestle boycott (if you want to understand why I’m boycotting Nestle you should take a look at where and how they get their bottled water) and try a can of this, and I just have to say that damn I regretted it so much.
Honestly, I should have known better because it’s fucking Nestle/Nestea we’re talking about but anyway…
This was just painfully sweet though; if you’d put a cup of this “tea” and a cup of the cocktail syrup from a can of peach slivers in front of me I guarantee I would not have been able to tell the difference. And that’s a bad thing. I get that Nestle sweetens their tea; I get that. If they want to appeal to the ‘average’ tea consumer they have to but there are limits!
Secondly, I should be able to tell – at least to some extent, that there’s real “tea” in your “iced tea”. I actually had to go to Nestea’s product page and look up the nutrition information to find out what kind of ‘tea’ this is – the Canadian nutrition label just reads ‘tea extract’ instead of listing the kind of tea. At least the American website listed black tea.
I’m just disappointed; less so in the tea than in myself. I should have known better.