Sipdown! (50 | 302)
Last Sips by tea for August!
This smelled a bit… alarming dry. Very strong citrusy/medicinal scent.
Luckily it doesn’t taste like the smell, lol. I mostly taste the lemongrass paired with ginger and a touch of citrus. But there’s something else, and I’m assuming it’s the black cardamom? I’ve never had black cardamom, so not sure what it tastes like, but this is quite… aromatic? Citrusy but in a mentholated, pungent essential oil sort of way, and there’s even a hint of smoke at the end of the sip. It’s reminding me a bit of eucalyptus as well.
Someone who knows, is that what black cardamom tastes like? Ha ha either way, it was enjoyable and quite different from other lemongrass-based tisanes I’ve had.
Flavors: Citrus, Citrus Zest, Earthy, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Lemon, Lemongrass, Menthol, Pungent, Savory, Smoke, Smooth, Sweet