I find this Vintage Wuyi Wulong that is amber in color when steeped for 2-3 minutes makes for a very nice cup of tea.
I like this as an after dinner drink since it is light in flavoring, not robust or smoky in flavoring but rather a mildly (sedate even) cup of tea.
In all, this Vintage Oolong Tea is similar to the Wu-Yi Source with apple flavoring, that I had a while back, but I could never detect the appleness in the cup. Neither are robust in taste nor smoky in scent as compared to the classiness of Foojoy’s Oolong tea whose cup denotes a stronger, more robust character.
Wu-Yi Source (Authentic Wu-Yi Tea) is mildest of the Oolong’s tasted and this may be due to adding the flavoring/mixing of the apple taking away from its original strength perhaps. (steep for 2-3 minutes)
Vintage Wuyi Wulong Tea is mild and sweet and can be drank during a meal and after; not at all heavy. (steep for 2-3 minutes)
Foojoy’s Classic Oolong is a full bodied roasted flavorful cup of tea. It awakens the senses and pleases the palette. If drinking during a meal than one is made full quicker. perhaps. (3-4 minutes or longer with full boiled water)
This classic oolong should be be enjoyed alone or as an early morning cup of tea to wake up with.
I go over board at times. I am just saying I like Oolong teas and some are stronger than others and very similarly to green teas.
I did have one Oolong where I dismissed it completely since it was organic. It was Choice brand Organic Oolong tea, had no flavoring, nothing. I mean air has more depth, more weight and body. If one wants to drink an invisible tea than please try Choice’s Organic Oolong tea.
I missed this somehow, every now and again I return to it and cannot find it in the cup other than the color which is also light. Rendering not there.
I have been drinking this daily since it is easier on throat and palette. It is tea bags, as leaf teas can cause a burning in the throat at times for me. It is an Ooooooooooolong day, as was yesterday longgggggggggggggggggggg!