My Hubby is into fruit teas and has been looking for a good blueberry. We had one a few years ago when we bought him a bag of loose leaf on a whim, it was a blueberry rooibos blend. The company now only makes their blueberry version w/a black base.
This one smells nice as a dry leaf… sweet and fruity, not sure I can pick out blueberry.
I wasn’t with him when he steeped it, so don’t know if he followed directions well. He drank about 3/4 of the cup and even tried a bit of sugar, which isn’t his normal, and he was ready to discard the last bit.
I offered to try it and see what he was tasting. To me, there was a berry flavor, but mostly hidden beneath the green tea flavor, and it seemed to have a thick mouth feel. I think this may be one of the first fruit flavored green teas that he has had. He has had plain greens at restaurants before, so he’s familiar with the flavor.
I’m going to hold off on rating this one until I have a chance to try it & be sure it is steeped correctly and see where we are after that.
He did try a blueberry blend from American Tea Room after trying this one and it was received much better (can’t get Steepster to let me review it, so I’ll try it later). Still not quite what he had before.. but closer.
Thanks MissB for sending these one our way for him to try!
I’ve been hit and miss with Naked Teas, and I think I’ve yet to try this one. I was thinking of trying it as a cold brew.
it could have been me. it’s true. =0\