Teabag sampler! After enjoying their No. 10 Blend, I figured I would give this a try, since it’s described as being quite similar. The ingredients lists are actually identical, but apparently the Ceylon used in this tea is stronger (from the photo, it looks like a CTC).
It’s quite nice. There’s a good balance of tea flavor with the lemony bergamot and soft jasmine. The description implies that there is more bergamot in this blend, but I think I would have to compare them directly to notice that. I will say, the black tea part of this is tasting a touch cardboardy to me, not sure if that’s the CTC or if for some reason I’m tasting the paper bag. Haven’t noticed that in any of their other teabags, so I assume it’s the Ceylon.
Enjoyable tea, but I think I do prefer their No. 10 Blend. And a good thing too, since I picked up 2 ounces of the loose leaf version in my last order! :P
Flavors: Acidic, Bergamot, Cardboard, Floral, Jasmine, Lemon, Metallic, Mineral, Paper, Smooth
I’ve not had a lot of green/black blends, perhaps this is characteristic of these teas — but it ends up tasting like a very mild-flavoured black.