Rich Berry Pie Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Flavor, Matcha Green Tea
Berries, Butter, Cinnamon, Pastries, Berry, Blueberry, Raspberry, Sweet
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
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22 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Afternoon pick me up! I’m almost out of this one…only a couple of tsps left! I really enjoyed this flavor though and think I would pick it up again. Not at all artificial tasting. Rich pie-like...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ah, flavored matcha. You’d think after the roughly 5 thousand flavors I’ve tried (okay, not really, but over 20 for sure!) I’d be worn out and ready to settle down with my current selection of...” Read full tasting note
  • “A sample from Roswell Strange, who helpfully fixed me up with some flavoured matcha. Why is it so hard to come by in the UK? The first thing I have to say about this one, though, is “oh man” – it’s...” Read full tasting note
  • “So my birthday was on Sunday and it was a pretty shit day thanks to my family. Luckily though, I always have my friends, both my real life ones and those I have made here on steepster. Seeing as my...” Read full tasting note

From Matcha Outlet

All popular berries are known for their rich, sweet or tart taste depending on who is enjoying them at any moment in time. Berry pies are mouth-watering and enhancing their rich sweetness by adding a hint of Matcha gives them their much needed balancing effect and well rounded feel in the palate. Rich Berry Pie Matcha is a versatile treat that can be enjoyed by both children and adults. This is because, this delightful treat with its eye-catching assorted coloring and bold taste can quickly attract a large group of loyal followers who are ready to take their enjoyment to the next level. With Rich Berry Pie Matcha in an assortment of refreshments, people are bound to remember that rainbow taste in their palates long after.

Rich Berry Pie Matcha can also be a very enjoyable treat for senior citizens who are normally accustomed to very bland tasting uninteresting foods. Adding this unforgettable treat to their regular diets gives them those treasured moments of pure enjoyment as they live through their golden years. This wonderful snack is also perfect for all seasons of the year. In warmer weather, a Rich Berry Pie Matcha treat with leave its takers feeling invigorated and deliciously alive. In colder times, especially winter when people tend to be housebound, this delightful treat can easily become the highlight in the seemingly endlessly snowy days.

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

About Matcha Outlet View company

Company description not available.

22 Tasting Notes

1113 tasting notes

Afternoon pick me up! I’m almost out of this one…only a couple of tsps left! I really enjoyed this flavor though and think I would pick it up again. Not at all artificial tasting. Rich pie-like flavor! Today’s hot latte included 3/4 tsp matcha and 3/4 tsp white sugar whisked in 8oz warm milk. GOOD STUFF. Plotting a matcha order as soon as I have enough money :)

Flavors: Berries

0 OZ / 0 ML

How did the sugar work out? Matchaccino like?


It was just perfect for me. Just as much flavor as matchaccino but only about half the sweetness! I think about 2 tsp of sugar would be equivalent to the matchaccino sweetness level :)


Excellent! It sounds tasty. I think the less sugar version actually sounds great.

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470 tasting notes

Ah, flavored matcha. You’d think after the roughly 5 thousand flavors I’ve tried (okay, not really, but over 20 for sure!) I’d be worn out and ready to settle down with my current selection of favorites (maple, butterscotch, caramel popcorn, pumpkin pie, and macadamia nut). But no, my tastebuds still seek out adventure and exploration! And since pie is one of my favorite things I snapped up the two new pie-themed flavors the instant they went on sale. Apple Pie was fantastic and I was hoping for the same deliciousness from Rich Berry Pie.

In the bag this smells like… cinnamon? Super heavy duty spices! Which is weird, I don’t think they are mentioned in the description. But pies often have cinnamon or nutmeg added, so I suppose it’s not unusual: I am just used to spice-free berry pie.

I think this would probably be best as a latte but I went with the shake-it-in-a-water-bottle method for my first go-round… mostly because I’d already consumed two lattes that day. Matcha overload! I did add a splash of milk for that creamy quality.

Mm, this really does taste like pie! I think the pie-like qualities of buttery, flakey crust aren’t quite as prominent as they were in Apple Pie but this matcha is also more complex. There’s the multilayered berry flavor (I get mainly raspberry and blueberry) along with the cinnamon and nutmeg. I think perhaps Spiced Berry Pie might be a more accurate description for this one, but either way I am totally loving it! I think it would be especially good mixed with the cheesecake or caramel matcha for that extra rich element. You can get some here:


I wish it had mentioned cinnamon and nutmeg in the description or I would not have gotten it, since I hate those spices. Glad I’m not the only one to taste that, I thought I was going crazy.


Where have you gone, Alphakitty?! :( Was thinking about you today, and see that you’ve been gone for a fair while. Hope everything is ok!

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2238 tasting notes

A sample from Roswell Strange, who helpfully fixed me up with some flavoured matcha. Why is it so hard to come by in the UK? The first thing I have to say about this one, though, is “oh man” – it’s SO good. I wasn’t really expecting it to taste exactly like a mixed berry pie, especially since dry the scent was mostly cinnamon and vegetal green tea. It does, though! I can definitely taste strawberry, with flashes of blueberry, raspberry, and a touch of black cherry. If you imagined those berries warm, in a thick, rich red-berry sauce, encased in buttery, cinnamon dusted pastry, then you’d have this tea. It’s that flavour accurate, and that good.

I made my cup as a latte, whisking 1/4 tsp of matcha into about an inch of boiling water, topped off with hot milk. At first, I only got the berry flavour – and I’ve no complaint about that because it’s incredibly flavour accurate. As I sipped, however, I did begin to notice the cinnamon, and then the buttery “pie crust” element came to the fore. It kind of creeps up on you, until you’re not drinking berry matcha anymore, but rich berry pie matcha. Best effect ever!

There probably aren’t words to describe exactly how much I’m enjoying this one. It’s my favourite of the Red Leaf matchas I’ve tried so far, and I’ve liked a fair few so that’s a definite compliment. For the record, my sample is of the distinctive flavouring level.

Thanks again to Roswell Strange for introducing me to this wonder :)

Roswell Strange

Stephanie originally introduced me to this one; it’s one I absolutely would have skipped over otherwise. It’s SO wonderful, though. Don’t know if you like almond/cashew milk at all but I think the nutty flavours of either really compliment this one as well :)


Awesome! I had this on my list but wasn’t sure about how artificial the berry aspect would be since I find their raspberry and strawberry ones to be overly fake.

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6444 tasting notes

So my birthday was on Sunday and it was a pretty shit day thanks to my family. Luckily though, I always have my friends, both my real life ones and those I have made here on steepster. Seeing as my family neglected to even get me a single birthday card, it was especially nice when a lovely blue and white box arrived Monday evening from my amazing tea twin, Roswell Strange!! She sent me a tea book, lots of tea samples, a giant bag of one of my favorite rooibos blends, and an amazing pickle birthday card that sounded oddly like a cross between your typical old jewish man and my own dad. It really put a smile on my face so thank you so much Roswell!!!

Anyways, after the events of my birthday, my family decided that they just weren’t going to talk to me for a couple of days which meant I tended to stay in my room, cut off from my tea and my kettle :(. Today they started talking to me again and though it isn’t exactly a warm welcome, I can at least feel comfortable enough to make myself some tea so that’s what I did.

I decided to go for a matcha because I haven’t had one in a while and I thought it might be fun to dump it into my milk frother and see what happened. I wanted a warm drink though so I tried to choose a dessert flavor for an after-dinner treat but I also aimed for something that wouldn’t be weird hot. This seemed like it should fit the bill so I pulled it out of my birthday box, courtesy of Roswell Strange, and whipped it up (literally I guess as that’s what the frother does :P).

Unfortunately, this matcha + warm, frothy skim milk has led to a drink that is much, much more pie than berry and not in a good way. It has almost taken on a yeasty/buttery type flavor like undercooked pie crust. I can smell the berries but I’m not getting much of them flavorwise, though every now and then I get a dose of cinnamon which I can’t decide if that’s good or bad. Anyways, as a hot cup, this is not for me but heres hoping that the berry comes out more in a cold brew.

In other news, one good thing that happened Sunday is I just happened to break my kindle while my dad called to wish me a Happy Birthday. Granted, the breaking my kindle part sucked as I have basically been reading a book a day for the past two weeks (though it still functions, just now I have a sad button that makes it a little troublesome to browse/buy books) but since it happened while I was talking to my dad, he offered to buy me a new one for my birthday. So now I am in research mode trying to decide if I want the Kindle Voyage or the Kindle Paperwhite. If anyone has an opinion, I’d love to hear it!


ugh. Sorry to hear the family was sucky.


Happy birthday! Sorry your family was jerks.

Roswell Strange

Sorry to hear your birthday went poorly :( Glad I could make it a little better though – and I’m happy you liked the pickle card. It was hard topping last year’s.

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16863 tasting notes

Happy Belated Pi(e) Day!

For people who don’t/didn’t know – Pi Day is March. 14th, and named so because the date is “03/14” – like the mathematical term. And, this year was extra special because the date was 03/14/15! I think I first learned about this fun pseudo holiday from a math teacher in highschool? But, ever since it’s been something fun to celebrate by going out and buying a pie and eating the whole thing with a few friends. Which is what I did yesterday; bought an apple pie after work and shared it with Tre.

I also wanted to drink pie tea – but couldn’t actually think of anything I owned that was pie related. That is, until this morning when it struck me that, duh, I have this! So, I drank it a day late – but it’s still in spirit of the holiday, so it totally still counts, right? I think so.

Whisked up in matcha; was really tasting the cinnamon pastry notes, with more of a berry aftertaste. It was good though; super frothy!

And – not Pi(e) day related, but it is matcha related! We got confirmation from Rikyu today that Birthday Chawan choice #2 is now officially mine! Hooray! It’s gorgeous, and I’m so excited for it to show up! Now just the hard part; waiting for it to arrive…

(This is the one I got:

Oh, and PS. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! Definitely added a lot to my day!


So pretty!


Oooh, pretty! :)


That’s beautiful. And if that site has any reasonably priced Kutani Ao-chibu matcha bowls, I’m in trouble.


That Chawan is the PRETTIEST!

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1394 tasting notes

What an interesting flavour. The scent and flavour profile is simultaneously intriguing me and making me feel ill. I have a weird relationship with berries. I love them individually, but any sort of berry mixture in tea never goes over well. The cinnamon here seems to create the pie effect, at least in my cold shaken milk, and I think that’s what is allowing this flavour to work for me. Perhaps a warm latte would work better?


Blueberry cinnamon pie would be amazing right about now. :) Honestly, I think flavours and spices depend on the taste of the person making it. Like, we never put cinnamon in our strawberry or rhubarb pies, but according to the internet, that’s a thing.


I know what you mean. I could do any berry with cinnamon I think. But more than one berry and I just can’t. It makes my stomach turn. But gah, blueberry cinnamon pie sounds amazing. I’ve also only had strawberry rhubarb together in a pie, never separate haha!


Yeah, and apparently strawberry-rhubarb pie is a thing too! I’ve never had it. :)

Roswell Strange

Strawberry Pie is pretty decent ;)

Roswell Strange

**Strawberry Rhubarb Pie


Oh bummer :/ I am sorry it makes you feel ill…


That’s okay! They can’t all be winners. I’m glad I tried it for sure.


Well, if you decide you wanna trade, just let me know :)

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