Sample sipdown from ToiToi!
The smell of the blend and liquor took me by surprise; it’s a very intrusive sweet citrus perfume mixed with the berry-like qualities of rooibos. It reminds me both of Raspberry Nectar from David’s tea and SunnyD. Very sticky sweet.
The taste is a mixture of fruity floral qualities and ever present citrus. It has a smooth citrus sweet finish: top notch lemons, oranges, and even some grapefruit? The rooibos is distinguishable but I don’t feel it’s overly medicinal. Some sour puckering. I love the taste more than the smell; I’m enjoying it more than both Raspberry Nectar and SunnyD, thankfully.
Even though I stir up my tea and tisanes, I find when I drink rooibos it first tastes watery but after a few sips that wateriness becomes pleasantly creamy and thick. I don’t know why that happens but I always start to enjoy my rooibos after I’m mid-cup in. This blend is no exception.