Pitahaya de Colombia

Tea type
Fruit Green Blend
Not available
Aloe, Astringent, Cactus, Floral, Fruity, Grassy, Kiwi, Pear, Smooth, Tangy, Tropical Fruit
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Loose Leaf, Sachet
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Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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From Mariage Frères

A green tea from Colombia offering a sublime fragrance of pulpy dragon fruit, silky and sensual. PITAHAYA DE COLOMBIA infuses gourmet notes and an irresistible joie de vivre in the cup.
This tea belongs to the Thés de Colombie collection, composed exclusively with teas, spices and fruits from this country. An exclusive Mariage Frères creation, this collection celebrates the gourmet and eclectic culture of Colombia.

It is the fruit of a masterful cultivation, on lands of exceptional purity, irrigated by clear water from snowy mountaintops. A culture that allows the tea leaves time to develop unbelievably subtle, intense and fruity aromas.

Label Jardin Premier

2,5 g / 20 cl – 95°C – 3 min

Characteristics : #Green Tea   #Jardin Premier   #Latin America   #Finest Harvest   #Scented Tea   #Daytime   
Presentations : Icône® – Tea in black canister

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2 Tasting Notes

16975 tasting notes

Gonna be honest, I expected to not love this one but I thought it was pretty solid. In typical Mariage Freres fashion it’s basically impossible to find an ingredient list (which drives me insane), but it’s pretty clearly meant to be a dragonfruit forward blend and I did feel like it tasted fairly strongly of dragonfruit. That’s a tough flavour to emulate and commercial dragonfruit products sometimes just taste like fruit punch. I got some of that fruity punch thing here, but waaayyyy less sweet and with a ton more natural floral flavour which feels (to me at least) a bit more authentic.

The green tea base smooth enough with a pretty strong grassy note, but I definitely got the impression it’s the sort of tea that would quickly slide into coarse, bitter territory with hotter water or a longer steep time. The grassiness with this more subdued pink tropical note does feel right though, just emotionally. And of course I don’t only taste dragonfruit here – I feel like there’s maybe some guava sneaking in there and a bit of pear!? The pear is interesting though because people often say dragonfruit tastes like a watered down pear. So, am I tasting pear subconciously because I know that? Am I tasting pear because a pear flavour was added to the blend to lean into that comparison? Or am I tasting it because there’s truth to the comparison and it’s just a note I’ve isolated from the dragonfruit flavouring being used?


Anyway… A gentle fruit blend with a tropical lean that I’m not at all mad about.

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1445 tasting notes

Mariage Frères Advent Calendar 2022 – Day 3

Today seems to be fruit-themed in advent-land (to distract from the frigid weather, maybe?). I love dragonfruit and enjoyed the couple of Colombian MF teas I’ve tried so far, so I’m actually excited to see this one pop up!

Dragonfruit is a mildly-sweet cactus fruit, not unlike a watered down kiwi or pear, with soft floral hues. It’s tricky to find a tea base that won’t overshadow such a delicate profile, but this gentle, grassy-sweet Colombian green appears to manage just fine. A pleasant astringent dryness builds over the course of the cup, which transports me to somewhere warmer that I’d rather be.

I could see some finding this tea insipid – but it puts me in mind of what I dub “spa teas” (ex – those refreshing but subtle melon and cucumber-inclined profiles). I like it (disclaimer: I also like Glacéau Vitamin Water Mega C) and think it would make a good cold brew.

Steep Count: 2

Flavors: Aloe, Astringent, Cactus, Floral, Fruity, Grassy, Kiwi, Pear, Smooth, Tangy, Tropical Fruit

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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