I admit it. I’m at home alone, drinking 3 overlapping teas. I got home from the gig, put on the water, prepared 3 small teapots, & went at it. I was also cooking dinner, which I could have done at Tony’s house. He’s probably wondering if I’m ever coming over tonight, & I am, in a few minutes, but I wanted to get a few teas in my system first.
I don’t care for this one. It has a background flavor of cherry cough medicine. It is a sample that I got from the Here’s Hoping TTB, & I suspect that it’s a sample that has been sitting around for awhile.
“But it’s Puerh,” you’ll say, & that is true. But it’s been sitting in a plastic baggie for awhile, buried in the HHTTB with an insane array of flavored teas, & I suspect that it absorbed something during it’s travels, even if they were short.
I rinsed it. I rinsed it again. blech. I ran a few steepings, took a sip of each, & then poured them out because that taste is still there, ruining what I am certain is a wonderful Shu. I’ll have to request a sample from Garret with my next order, so that I can enjoy the untainted version, because I’m pretty sure it’s a lot better than this!