Perfumes of Provence

Tea type
Herbal White Blend
Calendula, Chamomile, Chrysanthemum, Jasmine Flowers, Lavender, Natural Bergamot Oil, Red Currant, Rose, White Tea
Bergamot, Creamy, Floral, Fruity, Lavender, Red Currant, Rose, Sweet
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Daylon R Thomas
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From Magic Hour

Sip the mysteries of the perfume capital of the world and tour the south of France’s Provence region with this floral bouquet tea teeming with 7 flowers known to relax & soothe moods & beautify skin. A radiant blend of lavender, butterfly pea flower, chrysanthemum, roses, lavender and rare Silver Needle white tea steeps into a potion of calm & dreamy landscapes where the fields of flowers bloom into the most exquisite landscapes of May flower festivals.

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5 Tasting Notes

16956 tasting notes

Upon second taste I definitely found this less aggressively floral tasting but that might be because I went into the cup with more of an idea what to expect and I was definitely in a mood for very floral leaning teas this past weekend. Mostly I thought this tasted of bergamot and rose, with a more lavender forward finish.

Tea Photo: (3rd Pic)

It’s a very beautiful looking blend.

Song Pairing:


Bergamot and rose? I need to order this immediately.

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1733 tasting notes

I thought this one was intended to be an oolong, but no, it’s a white tea for this month’s Wanderlust Collection. I was surprised there was no vanilla and expected a potpouiri vibe with all the flowers in it.

Trying it out, it actually nails a very balanced floral boquet in a clean glass of butterfly peaflower blue. Rose, red currant, bergamot, and lavender are the overall flavor with the chamomile base mending with the white base in a smooth clean body. The chrysantemum sweetens it, but thankfully, is not more dominant than the other florals. I kept coming back to it with just two teaspoons gong fu and tumbler style. Fortunately, I got a generous amount in my sample bag this time. It’s comparable to the Cancer blend and the Crown Chakra blend. This was actually what I wanted and hoped the crown blend to be like, so it’s a win.

It’s good coldbrew in a lazy tumbler style to. I could see myself finishing this one quickly. I still like Ravello a little bit more, but I also could grow more fond of this blue gem.

Flavors: Bergamot, Creamy, Floral, Fruity, Lavender, Red Currant, Rose, Sweet


Sounds like a real flower bomb tea!

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