Merry Puppy

Tea type
Green Oolong Pu'erh Blend
Not available
Autumn Leaf Pile, Grass, Roasted, Smooth, Sweet
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Loose Leaf, Sachet
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 16 oz / 473 ml

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  • “Home – 4:30 PM The Great Cupboard Excavation Untasted teas remaining: 42 So I started looking at the Bonne Maman advent calendar on Amazon a couple of weeks or so ago, and I kept hemming and...” Read full tasting note

From Lupicia

Welcome in the New Year with this impressive blend of Tikuanyin oolong, puer tea, and roasted green tea. May the new year brings smiles to everyone.

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1 Tasting Note

4344 tasting notes

Home – 4:30 PM

The Great Cupboard Excavation
Untasted teas remaining: 42

So I started looking at the Bonne Maman advent calendar on Amazon a couple of weeks or so ago, and I kept hemming and hawwing about whether I wanted to order it or not. Of course, once I decided I would like to have it, it was sold out everywhere online… Noooooooo… So obviously that only made me want it more, ha ha. Luckily, when I was searching for any online shop that had it in stock, I found the website for a chain store, and one of the local branches had it! So I drove there today and grabbed one (actually it was the only one). Huzzah!

So now I’m having some toast with butter and Bonne Maman jam from my fridge to test out my new toaster and celebrate my triumphant victory. Om nom. ❤

Anyway, this was supposed to be about tea, wasn’t it? Oops. This tea was a limited edition from Lunar New Year to celebrate the Year of the Dog. It’s a mix of roasted oolong, hojicha, and puerh. The tin has a super cute Shiba Inu on it!

I’m not sure how to describe the taste other than just “roasty”, lol! Which just sounds ridiculous to say. It’s smooth and slightly sweet. Maybe slightly grassy. It’s very comforting to sip while loafing about on the couch with my toast.

P.S. – Bonne Maman’s Four Fruits preserves are super tasty! Can’t wait to scarf my way through the advent calendar… ;)

Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile, Grass, Roasted, Smooth, Sweet

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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