Slaughter Berry

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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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From Liquid Death

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1 Tasting Note

15990 tasting notes

Drinking this one currently.

Like the Arnold Palmer inspired Dead Billionaire flavour I’m definitely finding this one very thin/watered down tasting but in a way that’s sort of refreshing when so many berry flavoured iced teas in the RTD space are basically thinly veiled cocktail-syrup tasting fruit juices. In contrast, this is much more fresh and natural tasting. Though I am struggling to pinpoint exactly what the berry flavour is supposed to be past the fact that, like the can colouration kind of conveys, it tastes sort of “purple”. Blackberry, maybe?

I don’t love this one as much as Green Guillotine since I still want more body from this offering – but I do enjoy it.

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