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From La Vie Claire

La gamme d’infusions ayurvédiques La Vie Claire vous ressource à chaque gorgée.
Ces plantes riches et vivifiantes vous permettront de faire le plein d’énergie tout en prenant soin de votre équilibre naturel.


Gingembre*, réglisse*, lemongrass*, cardamome*, hibiscus*, clou de girofle*, eucalyptus*, fleur d’oranger*.

Ingrédients agricoles issus de l’Agriculture Biologique

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2 Tasting Notes

1759 tasting notes

I can only assume this is what I drank. The brand is there on the tag, and “dosha” but no “tri”.
It tasted like a mate with some spices. Having been in my cupboard for quite some time, I’d assume that the flavours are faded. Hot, I smelled cinnamon, which I don’t believe is an ingredient. Something peppery as well, which could have been the rosehips (they get peppery in old age, I think)
Thank you for the sample MissB :)


Peppery. I believe that’s how I will describe myself as I get older and more crotchety! (Adjective of the Day Award goes to you! :)

Evol Ving Ness

^That. Not far to go now.


LOL @gmathis I am feeling kinda peppery today to be honest. My bones creak! it’s cold out there.


@Evol I have a few gray hairs. Scary stuff


Yeah, you just wait until you start sprouting grey goat hair on your chin :) Then you panic.

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16802 tasting notes

Sipdown (139)!

Thank you VariaTEA for the tea!

I steeped this one up late at night ‘cause as far as I could tell from the (French) ingredients it was a tisane, and therefore caffeine free. As far as taste goes, it kind of came across as that sort of ’generic’ herby “bedtime tea” type of tea. You know, very much the same reoccurring flavours: chamomile, lemongrass, ginger…

That said, it was pretty pleasant overall considering I don’t really like any of those flavours. It also did the trick, and made me sufficiently sleepy before bed. Probably wouldn’t revisit it again, though.


I don’t think this was from me


Wait, maybe it was one of the ones I had in my drawer that seemed too herby for my tastes

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