Our ‘affordable flagship’ for 2023, ‘Parataxis’ is a raw pu-erh tea, blended from materials across southern Yunnan, China.
Flavour wise, this tea has a well balanced character, with plenty of sweetness, thick mouthfeel, a solid backbone of pleasant bitterness and astringency, and enduring fragrance from steep to steep. Classical raw puer should have a slight cooling sensation in the mouth and throat, and a flavour that sticks around after it’s been drunk, with a returning sweet aftertaste (huigan). The dry spring weather across Yunnan in 2023 means that this tea is very concentrated and expressive.
This tea is an excellent all-rounder, for solid daily drinking, or for stashing away to age for the years to come. If you’re wondering how it compares to ‘Labyrinth’, this tea has more intensity in the fragrance and sweetness, and is a little more elegant.