Secret Garden

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Black Green White Blend
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  • “Backlog: what doesn’t this tea have in it? It’s got black tea, white tea, and green tea … plus a whole lot of fruit! And a whole lot of flavor. This one became another summertime favorite...” Read full tasting note

From Kaleisia Tea

The most popular blend of all times. This blend consist of white peony white tea, sencha green tea, darjeeling black tea, gunpowder green tea, dragonwell green tea, jasmine pearl green tea, mango, pineaple, papaya, orange peels, strawberry, red currants, sour cherry bits, and apricot bits. A very well rounded fruity tea that is sure to please anyone.

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1 Tasting Note

4843 tasting notes


what doesn’t this tea have in it? It’s got black tea, white tea, and green tea … plus a whole lot of fruit! And a whole lot of flavor. This one became another summertime favorite because it’s amazing iced.

The fruit notes are more like a “medley” of fruit – very much like a fruit salad. Very refreshing and pleasantly sweet.

I tasted mostly green tea in this blend: fresh and crisp notes of leafy green tea. I barely could taste the white tea or the Darjeeling black. Those flavors sat off in the distance, and I can’t tell you that this blend would have tasted the same without those teas in this blend … and it probably would have been a quite a different experience if I changed the brew temp or steep time … but for the time/temp I used, I experienced mostly green tea and a lot of fruity notes. (I went with a lower brew temperature (185°F) and steeped the tea for 2 1/2 minutes in my Breville One- Touch.)

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