Ying De No. 9

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Black Tea
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From Jiangtea

Black Tea - YingDe Black Tea/ YingDeHong

Yingdehong tea is a black tea from Yingde, Guangdong province, China. The tea tasted good and the best kind is “Ying Hong NO.9”, and much of the tea is exported. Known by its full name of Yingde Hongcha in Chinese, other names for the tea include Ying de Black, Ying Hong and Guangdong Black tea.

First produced mechanically in 1959. It is in this year that the tea was first mass-produced using machine and factory processes.

The tea when dry appears as a bundle of curled and dried black tea leaves that smell much like cocoa. When infused, the leaves turn the water a more amber color and the brew has a peppery taste with a hint of sweetness at the end. he tea should have a cocoa-like aroma and like most Chinese black teas a sweet aftertaste.Some quality varieties are produced, which often look like leaf Oolong.

The black tea is often drunk straight with no additions. The tea itself is prepared much in the same way as other more traditional hong cha. This means brewing the tea for around four minutes with the amount of leaves used dependent on how strong or weak the brewer wants the tea to be.

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6 Tasting Notes

15544 tasting notes

I had some more of this since the BBB Box has arrived and I am sadly behind in finishing up the other teas from the last round. I’ve had a very productive day so far today – organised some tea that needs to go out, cleaned up my tea cupboard, cleaned the bathroom, backed up my shows and for the past hour or so, i’ve been working on my photo book for 2012. Ian and I made a promise to keep up with doing a photobook every year to capture some of our favourite memories. They aren’t big books – typically about 30 pages or so, but they are time consuming. We recently had our 2011 book delivered so i’d like to get 2012 and 2013 done this weekend (well 2013 done to this point anyway). We use Picaboo, and though they don’t always get things right on the first go, they now have free shipping, and this weekend FB friends get 50% off.

I ended up letting this tea cool a bit much for my liking, but i am still enjoying it cold. Thanks again for this one Tastybrew!

Terri HarpLady

Sounds like a much better day today than yesterday, eh?


for sure!


I still have a ton of this so if you want more, I can throw it in the next box!

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3294 tasting notes

I’m on a mission.
A mission to drink tea!
Last night I came home from Tony’s & did my monthly tea inventory, updating my collection list & printing it out. Last month I started with 343 teas in my collection, & through a series of sipdowns, got it down to 260. Then the Here’s Hoping TTB arrived. Then the BBBB arrived. For photos, stop by my blog, “Terri’s Airy Fairie World”, terrilangerak@wordpress.com. I promise I won’t try to sell you anything, get you to enter a contest, or whatever.
Anyway, I also went a little nuts & ordered some stuff. It hasn’t arrived yet, but I know it will, so I went ahead & put it on the list. I’m officially starting the month with 307 teas in my collection. Also my tea collection printout went from 19 pages to 16 pages.
Progress, not perfection!
Of course, this list doesn’t include the entire HHTTB, just the teas I’m planning on keeping. It also doesn’t include the crazy box of teas that I know Sil will bombard me with sometime soon, LOL.

I’m mostly dedicating this week to sampling teas from the HHTTB so I can get it back in the mail, & the BBBB, & also finishing my Sipdown Extravagana on NofarS’ teas, so I can send Sil a crazy box myself.

This tea is the 2nd offering from TastyBrew in the BBBB. It is a mix of straight & curly leaves, in shades of black, gray, & tan, with a bright aroma, kind of high pitched (sorry, I tend to experience sensations in musical terms). I steeped 2 tsp at 3 minutes, with a re-steep at 5. The first steep was a little bitter & peppery initially, & then sweet. The 2nd steep was similar, a little thinner & less bitter & peppery, but still very drinkable. It’s not a bad tea, but not destined to be a favorite. Of course, my tastebuds change from day to day, so probably next time I might notice some different features!


That’s a pretty intense sip down to get rid of that many teas in one month. Bravo!


Yay! I’m still under you lol.

Terri HarpLady

Thanks Lala!
Sil, I love you, & I know where you live, mwahahahaha


Hahahaha I love you too Terri!

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