Bai Shu Raw Pu-erh tea gives very strong aftertaste since it is from the natural farming tea garden that uses no fertilizer, no pesticide and no pruning. In addition, it also gives quite strong body. However, the main characteristics of Bai Shu Raw Pu-erh Tea are not just about strong aftertaste and body. What makes Bai Shu Cha very unique and interesting is that it gives very clean, clear and transparent taste sensation. It gives very high clarity in taste. In addition to the clarity in taste, its sweetish taste lingers on our palate for a long time. Although those characteristics may not sound very significant, I personally felt that the taste of Bai Shu Raw Pu-erh Tea was very distinctive. I was quite surprised by the outcome, and throughout this tea project I have learned something new. The flavor of Bai Shu Raw Pu-erh tea is like fresh grapes, with a hint of dry-grass note and spring flowers.