Now I realize this is not an actual tea. But because it says it’s “black tea flavor” (yeah, yeah, go ahead and scrunch up your nose!), I’m calling it tea anyway.
First off, let me explain myself: Sadly I’ve never had an actual boba bubble tea from someone who actually knows what they’re doing. Everyday I would pass by this bakery on my way into work when I lived in Los Angeles. I even stopped in exactly 3 times in five years to grab a healthy donut or two. Anyway, they also had bubble tea on their menu. Did I ever get one? Nope! I always figured the donut was bad enough.
Fast forward to today (in Indianapolis). I wanted to go to the local ethnic market to pick up a few things and saw this. It quickly found it’s way into my cart along with some large black tapioca pearls.
In the few hours I have had this, I’ve sucked down 2 ice cold, delicious glasses. Seriously, that’s all I’ve had today, well other than the thai tea ice cream bar I devoured in the car on the way home. I’ve not had anything else to eat all day… Am I satisfied? YES! This was delicious (and probably oh, so bad for me!).
Two tablespoons (about 30 grams) of this mixed 5 ounces (about 150 ml) of warm water. Pour that into a glass that has about 1 tablespoon (15 grams) of sweetened condensed milk and 1/4 cup of fully cooked tapioca pearls. Ice it down. = AWESOME!
Ignorance is bliss! :)
I love bubble tea. Maybe it’s not technically “tea” but it’s too darn good for me to care!
If you think this is good, you have to a try a real fruit bubble tea – sooo good!
I do love bubble tea too – and yes, I agree, while it isn’t “real tea” it is just so tasty. YUM!
Great day! :)