Black Beauty

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Black Tea
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From Gong Fu Tea Shop

Our Black Beauty is a China Black that is flavored with Lichee fruit. Following an ancient process, the tea leaves are infused with the succulent juice of the Lichee – a fruit that is also the Chinese symbol for beauty (hence the name). This brew has a delicate, woody overtone with a hint of sweet lichee flavor.

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2 Tasting Notes

73 tasting notes

This black tea is very unique and delicious! The lichee fruit flavor comes through beautifully without overpowering the lovely taste of the tea.

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537 tasting notes

I had this in store and really liked it! Lychee flavor comes through well, but doesn’t overpower. Really juicy and fruity. It’s good hot.

I cold brewed this but didn’t care for the overpowering flavor. It reminded me of bubblegum (the unpleasant kind). I’ve tried not to let the cold brew association color my liking for the hot brew.

Flavors: Lychee

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