The Dark Lord

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Black Tea
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From Geek + Tea

Villains are usually considered Dark Lords either by the format of the story in which the villain appears or because of the villain’s modus operandi – Sauron, Darth Vader, He who should not be named, The Dark One … and so on.

Lapsang souchong’s flavours are strong and powerful distinct from all other types of tea as the leaves are traditionally smoke-dried over pine fires, taking on a distinctive smoky flavour. It is common for even rather strongly brewed Lapsang Souchong tea to lack the bitterness common with other tea varieties.

Give this dark black tea a chance and embrace your inner darkness.

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4 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

Geek + Tea Advent Teas – Day 5

I said that the smoke in the Gryffindor tea made me think of the Death Eaters. That means when I opened this tea dedicated to the Dark Lord and it was just a plain lapsang, I found it pretty appropriate. It’s a nice lapsang too. Not overly smokey but strong enough that it has some interest to it.

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16967 tasting notes

Adventaggedon Day 10 – Tea 6/6

Nothing to put you quite in the holiday spirit like a tea named after Lord Voldemort.

That said, I was so incredibly excited to see this tea this morning because it meant I had an excuse to have a nice Gongfu tea session! Between being so slammed at work with the holiday season, the podcast, and balancing doing six advent calendars I’ve really not had time to squeeze in any Gongfu sessions on top of all that. However, I started my day with one and it really put me in a good mood for the rest of the day. So, I guess you could say that he who shall not be named really did boost my holiday cheer!

This isn’t the best Lapsang Souchong that I’ve ever had, but it really hit the spot this morning and I was definitely not in the mood to be picky about it. The taste is pretty intense/harshly smokey but with a brassy/metallic type of twang about it. Like licking a penny that’s been in a campfire pit – but in an actually tasty way, as gnarly as that sounds. Over steeps it got a little fruitier, with more of a red fruit twang than a metallic twang. Also pretty woody, as well.

Loved this!! The Harry Potter advent seriously continues to deliver!

Advent Photos:

Song Pairing:


I love that tiny little pineapple!


That matcha cup is gorgeous!

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