Grüner Tee Ingwer Zitrone (Green Tea Gigner Lemon)

Tea type
Fruit Green Herbal Blend
Ginger Pieces, Green Tea, Lemon Myrtle, Lemon Peel, Lemongrass, Licorice Root, Spearmint
Not available
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Tea Bag
Not available
Organic, Vegan
Edit tea info Last updated by Martin Bednář
Average preparation
3 min, 0 sec 17 oz / 500 ml

Currently unavailable

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  • “ADVENT DAY 13, tea 1/3 Logging a day late as I had a Christmas work team gathering. Prepared this tea as a morning tea in the office and well, it was fine. I have eyeballed the water temperature as...” Read full tasting note

From dm Bio

Take your senses on an extraordinary journey – with the Green Tea Ginger Lemon from dmBio. The finely tart green tea leaves have been refined with hot ginger and fresh lemon myrtle and guarantee a harmonious combination. The tart taste is ideally rounded off thanks to the fine lemon and minty nuances. The ginger also gives the slightly grassy tea a hint of spiciness. Enjoy your cup of tea pure, sweetened with honey or raw cane sugar. The vegan tea also keeps you cool as a cold drink on hot summer days.

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1 Tasting Note

2069 tasting notes

ADVENT DAY 13, tea 1/3
Logging a day late as I had a Christmas work team gathering.

Prepared this tea as a morning tea in the office and well, it was fine. I have eyeballed the water temperature as I have there just a kettle without selecting temperatrure, so I did my old trick and listened to the water… and it was just right I assume.

It was mellow green tea, with more lemony taste than the ginger. Ginger was very weak and not much present in taste. All other lemon notes were present, for instance lemongrass and lemon myrtle.

3 min, 0 sec 17 OZ / 500 ML

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