Sour Peach Gummy

Tea type
Fruit Green Blend
Not available
Bitter, Candy, Floral, Hay, Hibiscus, Peach, Sour, Sweet, Dried Fruit, Dry Grass, Smooth, Tart
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Loose Leaf
Not available
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 16 oz / 473 ml

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From Dessert by Deb

For us tea lovers, being in a tea shop is like being a kid…in a candy shop! With its kaleidoscope of colours, mouthwatering treats, and walls and shelves brimming with jars and tins of sugary confections, tea shops and candy shops are both a treasure trove and wonderland of sweet goodness. Dessert by Deb welcomes the first blend to The Candy Shoppe collection, Sour Peach Gummy, a tart and juicy green tea ripe with fresh peaches, rosehips, andRead more

About Dessert by Deb View company

Dessert by Deb is an organic tea company and lifestyle brand based in Toronto, Canada. At Dessert by Deb, it's tea time all the time because tea isn't just a drink - it's a way of life. From stationery and paper products,Read more

2 Tasting Notes

259 tasting notes

I really enjoyed this blend, I agree that sometimes Deb’s blends steep weaker but I strictly cold brewed this blend and it turned out perfectly. It tastes just like a peach ring and it was a delicious treat for a weekend away! I don’t always love hot peach teas so I decided to cold brew it and it’s definitely the way to go with this blend, definitely grabbing more. Thank you Vallhallow for sending this lovely blend my way!

Flavors: Bitter, Candy, Floral, Hay, Hibiscus, Peach, Sour, Sweet

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Another free sample from Deb. ❤

This one looks pretty and smells amazing. However, it steeps up quite weak IMO. I always use extra leaf for Deb’s teas, because they often need it, but even with 4+ teaspoons (compared to my usual 3) for a 16-ounce pot, this still tastes a bit watery. The peach flavor is nice, it reminds me of dried peaches and tastes quite natural, but it doesn’t really pop out the way I would like it to. The green base is mellow and grassy, and I don’t taste the hibiscus at all.

So I like the flavors here, but I feel like the volume needs to be turned up, so to speak. And it’s probably because there are quite a few added ingredients, while the flavoring is only applied to the green tea?

Flavors: Dried Fruit, Dry Grass, Hay, Peach, Smooth, Sweet, Tart

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 4 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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