The other new tea from this year’s lemonade collection!
To be honest, of the four new teas that released in various formats this last week, this is my least favourite – there are some things I find very cool about it like the caffeine extract that’s added for that bit of extra kick – and I always like seeing another guayusa/mate blend added to the collection, but I just find it tastes really similar to Electric Lemonade.
Both are berry and lemon blends, without having them side by side with each other I think it’s a bit challenging to taste a ton of distinction. That said, to me, Electric Lemonade was always a bit more focused on the berries than the lemon – and I think this is the opposite. Much more of a very sweet and sticky/coating pink lemonade and lemongrass flavour, with the berry coming second. It’s veeerrrryyy sweet in my opinion, and I like it a lot more when it’s iced or cold brewed because both of those prep methods result in a bit less intensity and more of a mellow flavour. I also find that, of all the Lemonade teas this year, this has the most significant amount of stevia sweetness to the finish…
Ultimately you can’t love everything and that’s okay – I know that there were a lot of fans of Electric Lemonade and I don’t usually count myself among them, but I think that they will enjoy this blend for its similarities.
Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.