Ceylon Star

Tea type
Black Tea
Ceylon Black Tea, Cocoa, Coconut, Natural And Artificial Flavouring, Star Anise Bits, White Chocolate
Anise, Cinnamon, Chocolate, Cocoa, Sweet, White Chocolate, Licorice, Coconut
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by CHAroma
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec 11 oz / 327 ml

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131 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Mmmm. To be honest I wasn’t sure how excited I’d be to drink this again. It was so hit and miss from what I remember. (Sorry ShayneBear) So, because of this I’ve sorta had this 25g pack sitting...” Read full tasting note
  • “I was going to make chai this morning, as the cooler weather is making me want cozy teas, but I saw a picture of the new sugar plum tea and saw the star anise and decided I’d rather have a cup of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you Isaila for my sample of this! For preparation, I steeped up 1 1/2 tsp. of leaf in 8 oz. of boiling water for four minutes. Although now I’m wondering if that wasn’t enough leaf or enough...” Read full tasting note
  • “Snacking for dinner this evening. First, some leftover pasta, next up roasted yams and baked zucchini fries. This tea really doesn’t go with any of it. But that’s OK. I wanted something sweet and...” Read full tasting note


Wish upon a star

Star anise is one of the most beautiful spices around…and also one of the most delicious. It has a sweet, subtle licorice taste that we just can’t resist. And some say it has magical properties: keeping star anise around is said to bring you good luck, happy dreams and even clairvoyance. Most importantly, it makes for some seriously delicious tea. Star anise and Ceylon black tea is a classic combination, but here we sweeten the deal even more with white chocolate, cocoa nibs and coconut. The result is sweet and creamy, with a hint of exotic spice. Now that’s star power.

Ingredients: Ceylon black tea, star anise, cocoa, white chocolate, coconut, natural and artificial flavouring*.

Allergens: Soy, dairy and coconut

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

131 Tasting Notes

297 tasting notes

Another that I got my cousin to pick up. Did I mention how much I love that David’s let’s you buy small amounts of their tea? I wish more places did this. One day when I own my own tea shop (which may be closer than we think), I’m going to let people buy small amounts of the teas they want to try.

I had received a sample of this with one of my orders, but there sample packs aren’t enough for me for the perfect cup. So I’m trying this again.

I really didn’t see much tea in the leaves & it brewed up quite light. The steeped cup smells amazing. Chocolatey, creamy, spicey. It’s creamy tasting, slightly spicey, but I’m not entirely sure its an anise taste.
This is super yummy though!

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

Soon eh? Sounds exciting!


I adore that David’s lets you buy such small amounts—I often go in and get maybe 1 1/2 ounces in total and they really don’t pressure you to buy more (unlike some stores haha). It’s great to be able to sample absolutely everything.

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1356 tasting notes

I’m enjoying this tea much more so than I thought I would. The only other experience I’ve had with star anise was in Merry Cranberry. Merry Cranberry was quite tasty but the spices made it very definitely a holiday tea.

This is a nice blend of sweet and spice with an added creaminess from the white chocolate. It’s not too heavy for a black tea and it doesn’t give that specific holiday tea feel. It’s nice in that nothing is overpowering, and the balance of coconut, star anise, and white chocolate seems to be perfect. I can see myself keeping this one on hand in smaller amounts.


i had the same reaction :) i was like “hey i had no idea i’d think this was good whoa!” it IS a very nice balancing act i agree. smart observation.


Eeeeeee! I’m so glad you tried this one. It’s just so lovely. :D


I’m still putting off trying this one, haha. i keep reading that it’s not so bad though…. should just suck it up and try it!

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299 tasting notes

So interesting. Had this yesterday, after dinner. Idk, I’d need more to get to know it. But it smells amazing and I think I like it a bunch.


It’s much better than I remembered too!
Apparently if you love-love-love it, you can order buttloads of it really cheap from the site: http://www.davidstea.com/web-specials ($18.75 for 8.8 oz? But that’s A LOT of tea)


Oh jeez, if that was Cocomint I’d be like: OK! But but but.. yeah. That’s a LOT.


Yeah I know! I basically bought that much of Read My Lips because it was $12 and I got all grabby handed when I saw it in store. :P So, I’m NEVER running out of that one.


Oh! Speaking of Cocomint, Jackie T told me that she asked another company to re-create the blend for her. It’s basically identical: http://steepster.com/teas/simpson-and-vail/36741-jaclyns-cocomint-tea

It probably costs a lot to ship to us though. :(


Someone posted a while ago that if you contact simpson and veil directly you can negotiate a cheaper shipping fee. It’s also sometimes cheaper to but s&v’s teas on amazon. The are shipped from S&v.


Iiiiiiinteresting! Thx :D


[which totally lead to half-hour of browsing moar boardgames on amazon … whoops]



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2145 tasting notes

Tea #11 from the traveling tea box.

I love star anise, not only is it one cool looking spice, it always makes my house smell great. Chocolate, coconut, and star anise sounded like a wonderful combination of flavors and it should have been a great tea. My problem with this tea is the same problem I have with most chocolate teas, I really dislike the artificial flavoring. It just leaves a horrible aftertaste in my mouth and masks the natural flavors that should really stand out.

I had a huge chunk of star anise in the dry leaf that I scooped out and it smelled great while steeping, but hardly came across in the final brew because it was masked by the chocolate. Not only was this surprising, since star anise is very strongly flavored, but it was disappointing. I’m also not sure that I can taste the coconut.

This isn’t something that I would order myself, but it was great to try, if only to eliminate another tea on my hunt for the perfect chocolate tea.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

This is such am oddball and a disappointment. The ingredients sound great, but on its own it false flat. It’s one of the few I need to add milk to to enjoy.

Short Sorceress

My original intention was to make this like I do chai and simmer it on the stove, but apparently my toddler has finished off a whole gallon of milk since Monday. It really doesn’t work as a straight tea, which is disappointing because it sounded like such a great idea.

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358 tasting notes

First tea of the day. No class today since it’s a holiday, but since I spent my snow day and the weekend reading Anna Karenina I have quite a bit of homework that I need to be doing (sigh). Hopefully with lots of tea breaks I will be able to get everything on my to-do list done! This was the first tea that I ordered from David’s Tea during the holidays and I was pretty impressed when I opened the packet. The blend is pretty, with nice big tea leaves and full-sized pieces of star anise and really large coconut flakes. It’s almost too pretty to drink (almost)! It smells like dark chocolate cocoa with a touch of sweet coconut also. The flavor is nice – not too over-the-top spicy and all of the flavors really complement each other well. I added a little milk and sweetener and that definitely pulls all of the flavors together well and creates a more creamy cup. This tea leaves a lingering licorice flavor in your mouth, lovely!

-Dry blend has large black leaves, star anise, large coconut flakes and pieces of chocolate.
-Dry leaves smell strongly of cocoa with a sweet hint of coconut. Tea liquor aroma is of spicy licorice.
-Tea liquor is a slightly cloudy medium orange color.
-Rich vanilla cocoa flavor with a somewhat spicy licorice finish.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. Creamy and warming.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec

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2970 tasting notes

Wow, what an interesting tea. It smells like a cinnamon/chocolate/spicy thing, with an underlying sweetness to it and just a hint of nuttiness. It sips like that too. Rich, complex, and very flavorful.
That said, I cant quite decide what I think about it. On one hand, the layers of flavor are what makes it interesting, and on the other hand, it may have just a little too much going on. Hmm. And this was a sample, only enough for one cup! Who knows what I would think of it with more time to experiment.
Positive review, however. I like it, I just cant quite decide how much I like it.


I felt the same way! I ultimately decided that I liked it quite a bit after my second mug. :)

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836 tasting notes

1.5 tablespoons for 375 ml

Good balance of flavours. Anise at the forefront. Thickness of the chocolate in the background. Black tea notes complement the blend. Sweetness. Slight creamy mouth-feel.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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150 tasting notes

I bought this tea when they were having a massive web special on it, took a complete blind chance on it. I like it. I like how pretty it looks dried and it doesn’t have an offensive licorice taste like I was worried it would. I pick up on the coconut and chocolate and there are a decent amount of tea leaves to other stuff in the mix. It was a good morning cup, I was taking a break from The O Dor.

I had it with milk and stevia and then a second cup with just milk and it was good both ways. Robust but delicate at the same time. It’s probably one of my favourite teas from DT.

Boiling 6 min, 30 sec

I’m happy you liked it after splurging on the web special. It would have been a lot to get rid of had you not.

I bought it too though! It’s still sitting unopened on my shelf as a few days before I bought it, I also grabbed 50g in store. <3 That’s pretty much gonna last me for years.


You didn’t like it at all?


Oh, no! I do like it! Sorry – I shouldn’t be commenting this late. :P I bought 50g and really liked it, and then splurged on the huge web special pack, but I’m still working on the original 50g (nearly done). So, I think at this rate it will probably take me a while to drink it all, unless I drink a cup of it daily. I love the star anise though.


Okay sweet. Yeah me too. I also got the stormy night as well.

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464 tasting notes

This tastes a lot like DavidsTea Bollywood Chai, but a little more mellow. The star anise really hit me full in the face when I first drank it, but it soon settled down and let some of the other flavors come out to play. I love fennel so that was nice. I could definitely taste the chocolate, but it was little artificial like bad chocolate milk. I felt like I couldn’t taste the base at all. It probably would taste better with milk. This probably wasn’t the best choice for me, since my stomach was a little off today. I will probably stick to peppermint or chamomile for the rest of the day.

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90 tasting notes

Ommmmmg this is YUM. I bought it because I had tried it once and enjoyed it and I like to get the TOTM prepack from DavidsTea. However, I don’t remember it being THIS delicious. It’s sweet and creamy with a hint of spice. This is love.


I tried this when I was at the store (it was the free sample) and I loved it. I bought a 50g bag of it with my latest order, huzzah!

Bear With Me

I went through approx 150g of it in the 5 weeks leading up to its release (head office sent me some after we chatted about me needing a show name for Java pony) and in the month it’s been out I’ve had to refill my STUFFED tin twice (i’m on the third stuffing of the tin, and it’s already half gone!!). Too freaking yummy (and Ponypants loves it too, haha)


I should really take this out of my cupboard, but I plan to replenish it quickly. (I collect the TOTM pre-packs) My sister tried mine yesterday (I am home for the holidays) and loved it so I sent my package home with her as a surprise, tucked into my baby nieces’s blankets. I love sharing my tea!

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