Quite a few new teas just launched for the Spring, along with several returning blends such as Blackberry Jasmine Blast, Coco Mango Chai, and English Toffee…
Of the brand new tea blends, this is my personal favourite. It’s an incredibly simple blend with a really robust, full-bodied “breakfast style” black tea base and a pop of fresh, juicy red apple. I was really inspired by the idea of “global breakfast blends” when developing this tea: particularly concepts like a New York, Tokyo, or London Breakfast that would me majority black tea with a subtle flavour inclusion that nods to the city of inspiration. I’ve had many New York Breakfast blends and it always baffles me that they’re never apple flavoured as a riff on “The Big Apple.” So, now an apple flavoured New York breakfast tea exists!
I’ve said many times before that, personally, the blends I tend to favor are ones that are incredibly flexible with their preparation – and I think that’s why I love this one so very much. It’s great hot and plain with its bold and malty black tea profile mixed with that sweet, crisp red apple note. However, a splash of milk and some sugar isn’t so bad either, like how you might take a typical breakfast. It’s also really refreshing iced or cold brewed! I actually had a cold brew of it today, and I find the apple comes off a little sweeter and more forward in taste, with the brisk black tea rounding out the end of the sip. Finally, it’s a really lively and refreshing tea pop too! Just a tea that’s super fun to play around with.
Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.