So I was in a meeting with Marika earlier in the week and she was brewing this gongfu throughout the meeting and passing little cups of tea to me off to the side of my laptop. I remember it was so delicious and surprisingly sweet, but I honestly don’t remember anything else about it. I would just quickly slug back my little thimble cup of tea each time one was left for me.
If anything, it was such a gentle and kind reminder of how amazing my coworkers and office are. I mean, where else are you going to work where you can fully brew gongfu during an in office meeting – and to take it a step further, to have someone else brew that tea for you. Even if I remember next to nothing about what I was drinking, it was a special moment.
I did buy this tea for myself too though (at TO Tea Fest), so I’ll get to have it again and pay the tasting notes a little more mind.