I am having such bad luck with my first order from California Tea House. Only 2 of 5 were ok. I am so disappointed especially since they were pretty expensive teas. Perhaps I am not steeping them right but I have been following directions and this one is just not good. The cherry is nice but the Sencha tastes weird. I don’t plan on placing any more orders with them. I feel like their blends are just not for me. Not to say it won’t work for someone else. This is the first time in a long time
that I will be dumping my cup of tea down the drain. I hate to say this about any company because of course this is based only on my own personal opinions but I just have to be honest. I have had LOTS of teas way better than this.
This is my 300th Review too. Let’s hope 301 is miles better. :-)
Edit: Turns out I had to delete a duplicate note so this is not my 300th review but really 299. :-)
I’m sorry about your luck! I’ve had the misfortune of throwing tea down the drain as well :( However, congratulations on your 300th review!