Resistance 2020 Nanmo Raw Puer

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Pu'erh Tea
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From Bitterleaf Teas

Our second Nanmo region tea for this year, this tea is like drinking a flower with teeth. The overall profile is quite similar to Drink Me, but as the tea comes from larger qiaomu/arbor trees, it is a little denser in flavour and fuller in mouth feel.

Your gongfu brewing chops will be an asset with this tea. Push too hard and its bitterness will come to the forefront. On the same note, it can still be approachable with a gentle touch. It’s up to you.

Picking period: Pre-March 28

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1 Tasting Note

16992 tasting notes

Grandpa style!

I didn’t read BLT’s tasting notes until after steeping, so I missed their note about this sheng getting bitter when pushed. Even still, the bitterness really didn’t get to a point in the cup of bothering me – though it was certainly noticeable! Instead, this was softly vegetal with some sweet notes of sugar snaps and orchids before taking on more of a leafy green flavour – think kale, arugula, collard greens. I’m not personally a huge fan of is tea in this particular steeping method, but it’s because of the vegetal notes and not the bitterness. I like BLT’s description of “a flower with teeth” and I do have one more dragonball to finish off, so gongfu with short steeps seems more promising!


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