In Bloom 2018 Spring Jing Mai Raw Puer

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Floral, Bitter, Citrus, Citrus Zest, Garden Peas, Green, Sweet, Grass, Orchid, Plum, Sweet, Warm Grass
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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From Bitterleaf Teas

Back for a second year in a row, to us, this tea represents an ideal Jingmai tea. It has an unmistakable orchid fragrance that that sticks with you, accompanied by a pleasant huigan. Compared to the previous year, our 2018 In Bloom exhibits a thicker body and denser flavour. We strongly recommend this for drinkers that are looking for floral qualities and high fragrance in their sheng.

This tea is considering “huncai”, or mixed picking. The material used is collected from a garden that contains small and large trees that are picked together. This has gradually become a preferred style of picking for us, as it combines many of the desirable properties of old/big trees and young/small trees – yes, small trees have their positive characteristics too – while remaining budget friendly.


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4 Tasting Notes

17008 tasting notes

Gongfu Sipdown (619)!

I was setting up for an educational tasting for some people in the office, on Tuesday, and was sitting in on the presentation – but wasn’t actively leading it or taking part. So, I brought my gongfu table and a carafe of water with me, and while the people doing the tasting drank the tea selected for the tasting I drank this instead.

It was a two hour long tasting, and over the course of it I think I steeped about twelve infusions – not counting the rinse. I discarded one in the middle that I had BADLY oversteeped because I was distracted, but otherwise this was a truly lovely session and all of the infusions were delicious. I was feeling so tea drunk by the end – just nice and warm, floaty and happy. This tea has actually really grown on me since my first time tasting it and I’ve kind of fallen in love with the strong, but nuanced and sweet, floral notes present…

But also, damn that huigan tho!? Wow.

Flavors: Bitter, Citrus, Citrus Zest, Floral, Garden Peas, Green, Sweet

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89 tasting notes

I treid last year’s In Bloom and I must say, this years version is a vast improvement. This tea gave off the tasting notes of orchid, sugar, green grass, and plums. It was very sweet, flavorful, and brothy. One thing I like about In Bloom was how noticeable and upfront its floral tasting notes were. Anohter thing I liked was how flavorful it was. I blindly bought this beeng, and im glad that I did.

You can read my full review here….

Flavors: Grass, Green, Orchid, Plum, Sweet, Sweet, Warm Grass

190 °F / 87 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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