Lemon and Lime Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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From Ahmad Tea

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7 Tasting Notes

1719 tasting notes

Steepster seems to be acting up so hopefully this post and can be read. I Slept in late this morning. Need tea. Most of my stuff is still packed up. I found the tea bags I intended to take on my last day of work but had forgotten them. Heated the water in the microwave (which I hate doing) and steeped for… uhmmm, well until the water was cool. You would think I had never done this before. This one seemed pretty forgiving. The lime pops. It kind of opened my eyes. Then I taste the lemon. Bonus, I can taste the tea. A lot of grocery store bagged teas aren’t balanced. Ahmad generally does a great job as they have done here. Lemon and lime are never flavors I have on their own so I think they taste natural in this but maybe you would disagree. Anyway they taste nice here. The base seems mellow. In their Earl Grey the base has rougher edges. For a no fuss cup this worked well.

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141 tasting notes

Tasted much better this time now that I have the correct steeping time. Who would have thought that 15-20 seconds would make a difference?

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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695 tasting notes

[Backlog] from earlier this week, full review when I next sample the blend.

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73 tasting notes

I received a sample of this from a lady I met at my prenatal aqua class. She is from Russia and says they drink a lot of tea there. She and her husband are big tea-drinkers, and she was excited to discover a little English pub here in town that sells some of the same teas she had in Russia. She gave me a sample of this, and I was surprised by how good it was (I don’t usually care for bagged tea). But this was delicious! It’s a lovely, lovely tasting black tea (I think on the Ahmad website it says it is a Kenyan black) with a refreshing sparkle of lemon and lime flavor. I want more! I wish this came in loose-leaf!

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML
TeaTiff 10 years ago

We have a store across the street from me that sells Ahmad Tea. I will have to see if they have this flavor.

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4843 tasting notes


Not a bad bagged tea as far as bagged teas go. I’ve tried some good bagged teas and some not so great bagged teas and then some really horrid bagged teas … this one falls under the good bagged tea category, even though I’d prefer to drink loose leaf, this one is pretty good and it is one I wouldn’t mind carrying with me if I were traveling and loose leaf was inconvenient.

Sweet, tangy-tart, and even a slight bitter tone from the pith of the fruit, and I don’t find this bitterness off-putting, on the contrary, I think it adds something to the overall taste.

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3 tasting notes

A bit of a bitter aftertaste, but overall a very well balanced tea. Just enough hints of lemon and lime to give the black tea some flavour, but not enough to take away from the blend.

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