I really shouldn’t be buying teas based on my need for adventure. Truly.
I bought this cause I was like, “hey, smells like a partay.”
Well, it was not a party in my mouth. Not in the least.
It’s very tropical, but somehow, when steeped, it’s an overwhelming jumble of flavors. I don’t like watching my teas or timing them, so I often oversteep, which is a fault of my own, but I figure, a good tea can stand the test of time, literally. Well, I forgot I was making this, so I took out the tea leaves a bit on the late side. So not only did I have this neon pink drink, it was probably steeped far past its peak, so do take my review with a grain of salt.
The tea ended up being a bit sour, which I suspect is the result of my oversteepage, but I stand by the comment about too many tastes trying to compete for each other.
Would probably do OK iced, but since I’m too lazy for iced, this one is not for me. I will not be buying more. So glad I stuck with the 10g quality.
The spring collection just isn’t doing it for me…