I meant to steep this for the recommended 5 min, but I accidentally steeped it for 7 min. This tea smelled wonderful out of the bag, like sweet blueberries and just a hint of earthy sage. After brewing for 7 min, I was surprised how dark this brewed. I have never seen a tea brew this dark luscious red color, it was beautiful and made me want to drink it right away. At first sip you definitely taste the blueberries and maybe a bit of cherry and then later you catch a bit of sage and rosemary. I like the flavor combinations a lot, but I didn’t like the tart taste at the end. About half way thru the cup I decided to put a little sugar in it and wow, that made a big difference. It took the tea from a 5 to a 8 right away. This has a nice thick mouth feel, I really enjoyed it.
After trying it with some sugar I think I will probably buy it someday. I love the deep dark red color and can’t help but think it is chalked full of anti-oxidents from the berries.