Inspired by all you busy little de-cupboarders out there, I decided to start tackling some of my most elderly bits and pieces of tins. This definitely qualifies. Five years old, easily. Since we know older tea loses its edge a bit, I doubled up on the leaf this morning, and by golly! Apricot! (Saw that notation in Harney’s product description, but never got it until now.)
Wow! I own this tea and didn’t remember the part about apricot. I rarely drink it, but knowing this I will have to revisit it. Thanks!
Happy day for finding the flavors in the description! And working on decupboarding.
Wow! I own this tea and didn’t remember the part about apricot. I rarely drink it, but knowing this I will have to revisit it. Thanks!
I’m chintzy with the dry leaves and I think that’s probably why I miss out on a lot of good subtle stuff.