drank Ma Passion by Nina's Paris
1792 tasting notes

Thanks to the wonderful VariaTEA for sending me a sample of Ma Passion! I’m a sucker for passionfruit. If they weren’t so expensive, I’d eat one every single day.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t believe that this is a ceylon! My first sip was, “Huh? Smokiness? But, but…” This just has to be a keemun or something.

There’s a gentle fruitiness in the background, but I can’t help but be distracted by the slightly smoky base. But that said, I’m so glad I had a chance to try this because had I ordered before trying it, I would have automatically picked up a pouch of this, being a lover of passionfruit and all. And then I would have gotten the pouch and been all confused about life.


I saw “Ma Passion” and my name and was getting annoyed because I swore I liked this post already and commented on it. Then I realized I liked/commented on Roswell Strange’s post for this tea.

Anyways, I am glad I could save you from buying a whole pouch and then subsequently being disappointed. I have been lucky to get to sample almost all the teas from Nina’s before committing to a whole pouch so I am glad I could help someone in that way :)


Yeah, seriously! It’s why I’m so grateful, and I’m looking forward to trying the others. Then it’ll be Amazon time. :)


Since, despite my initial excitement, they did not actually open an online store :P

Hopefully you find something you like. It is interesting because you and Roswell Strange had pretty different reactions to this.


Haha totally understandable. I got excited when I saw the announcement too. I just don’t understand why they went that route because it doesn’t really change anything. Had I known, I would have screwed it and ordered from Amazon a long time ago.

Hmm, I wonder if Roswell likes smoky teas, or picks up on them easily then? I seem to be quite sensitive to them.


I liked this one and didn’t really get smokiness but when you don’t like something, you tend to be hyperaware of its presence. And I am not sure why they went that route. I have been fortunate to just go buy directly from them though I know Courtney ordered from them and didn’t find it bad.


Plus, having waited, you now get to try some of the teas before ordering.

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I saw “Ma Passion” and my name and was getting annoyed because I swore I liked this post already and commented on it. Then I realized I liked/commented on Roswell Strange’s post for this tea.

Anyways, I am glad I could save you from buying a whole pouch and then subsequently being disappointed. I have been lucky to get to sample almost all the teas from Nina’s before committing to a whole pouch so I am glad I could help someone in that way :)


Yeah, seriously! It’s why I’m so grateful, and I’m looking forward to trying the others. Then it’ll be Amazon time. :)


Since, despite my initial excitement, they did not actually open an online store :P

Hopefully you find something you like. It is interesting because you and Roswell Strange had pretty different reactions to this.


Haha totally understandable. I got excited when I saw the announcement too. I just don’t understand why they went that route because it doesn’t really change anything. Had I known, I would have screwed it and ordered from Amazon a long time ago.

Hmm, I wonder if Roswell likes smoky teas, or picks up on them easily then? I seem to be quite sensitive to them.


I liked this one and didn’t really get smokiness but when you don’t like something, you tend to be hyperaware of its presence. And I am not sure why they went that route. I have been fortunate to just go buy directly from them though I know Courtney ordered from them and didn’t find it bad.


Plus, having waited, you now get to try some of the teas before ordering.

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