Spammers on Steepster

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Login or sign up to post a message. Spamming for Amazon Affiliate Program

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I’m submitting this again. This
revived a 9 year old post so it could spam and get money for an Amazon Affiliate Program.

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Tom Y's)(( admin said


Also, mods had a hardcoded restriction to only mark as spammer those accounts created in the last 7 days. I’ve removed that, so mods should be able to quickly clean things up.

Mods, please msg me if any other restrictions you have that I can help with codewise.


Hi Tom, I just tried to remove an old spammer account and I still got the message that it was too old to remove.

Tom Y's)(( admin said

Hi Cameron, Can you email me a screen shot of you attempting a removal and the error? Will investigate and fix now.

Sure, I sent it over.

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