jgh said

Good Alternative to Irish Breakfast from Adaigo Teas?

Hey All,

I just joined today after finding a link to this site on Adaigo Teas. I’ve been drinking the Irish Breakfast for nearly 5 years now, and was curious if there are any lovers of this tea out there that have a similar favorite?


7 Replies
Lori said

If you go on Upton Imports website, they have a British Blend Sampler-they sell a selection of small tins with a variety of English breakfast blends for $13 bucks… Descrription is below:

A tin (approx. 35g.) of each of the following teas: Bond Street English Breakfast (TB10), Finest Russian Caravan (TB70), Baker Street Afternoon Blend (TB75), and Richmond Park Blend (TB86). Specially blended for us in London by master tea blenders.

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Cofftea said

I try my best not to cross post, but I just saw this from Samovar. Their signature breakfast blend is in the set.

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I’ve gone through a few tins of Adaigo’s Irish Breakfast myself ;) If you are looking for something around the same price point, try Upton’s River Shannon Blend. If you are willing to spend a little more, I think Golden Moon’s Irish Breakfast and English Breakfast are both really delicious and full bodied. I’ve also heard some great things about the Simple Leaf’s Mountain Malt – I just got some but I haven’t tried it yet. But it is spoken of VERY highly here :)

Cofftea said

JaquelineM… maybe this is a sign you should try it today so you can give your official opinion:)

It’s at home! Sad! – but I think it’s a MUST for this weekeend!!!

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A couple of teas you may not have heard of, both really powerful and full of aroma & flavor, esp. nice for breakfast:

Aurora Breakfast Blend http://www.theteadrinker.com/te0104-aurora.html
and Totally Assam Blend http://www.theteadrinker.com/te0100-totallyassam.html
from Edwards Premium Tea, via The Tea Drinker — http://www.TheTeaDrinker.com

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Harfatum said

I would also endorse The Simple Leaf’s Mountain Malt as an excellent, strong breakfast tea with a lot of character. Their American Breakfast is another great breakfast tea – a little less character but smoother and harder to overdose on the leaves.

That blend includes Ceylon teas too, so you might experiment blending with a Kenilworth or Adawatte estate from Upton – those are my current Ceylons, and they are both good.

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