pu-erh of the day. Sheng or Shou

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Rasseru said

Ripping through the Bana sampler pack – which is totes worth it, a nice variety of styles going on, a stark contrast to the W2T terroir set, which is all pretty similar.

So ive had the:

Jinggu-Bulang 2010, which was dry bitter
Red Label 2015, which was Deep fruity-sharp bitter. Tasted aged in style but young in leaf.
Bana Ltd ed 2008 spring, which has a nice lively taste, still gots the bitters, a bit inbetween the darkness of the red label, & the huigan of the mengsung

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Rasseru said

Treasure from five mountains from Bana sampler pack. The one I was most looking forward to, & for some reason today just wasnt sheng day for me, & i am going to have to get another sample of this.

Maybe ive been drinking too much sheng, its been every day for a while now lol

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Wistaria Nannuo again today, this time with more “normal” brewing parameters, 7g/100mL.

Not digging it. It’s clearly good, with mouthcoat, qi, aftertaste, and whatnot, but something felt off. Maybe it was just the enema effect? Anyways, I stopped mid session to let this one rest, and will return to it later today or tomorrow. It’s weird that this tea was much more comfortable on my system with more intense ratios, but them seems to be the breaks. I suspect the taster (me) may just be off today though.

Rasseru said

Something in the stars I think

Cwyn said

A drain cleaner, eh? They have their uses.

Rasseru said

Weight loss puerh

The stars and drain cleaning are common features of my puer sessions. I generally enjoy both, but I guess not in this tea today.

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Rasseru said

Classic 2013 Peacock Blend from TU. Such an easy drinker, i’m getting some lovely sweet notes from it.

Sheng brewing is such a nice fine art

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2016 pu-erh.sk Naka. 7g/60mL.

Lovely tea. Solid bitterness, which sits there at the throat for a large part of the session. Light entry, but like good gushu, there is plenty going on around the corner. Zero roughness on the stomach. I’m currently attempting to steep this out, and the qi grows as I do so, whew.

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Cwyn said

Revisiting last year’s teas in my storage. 72 Hours in excellent condition and a mega steeper now. I tried Poundcake, only have half a cake left after brewing out much of it in a tea class last year. The cake has browned up a bit, however I am tasting a sourness that got me to reread Hobbes’ recent note as he mentioned the same thing. Despite the sourness, the fragrance left behind in the cup is sweet and floral, many inexpensive drinkers don’t leave fragrance behind in the cup. Am on steep 5 or so, leafed it heavy so still at least one more session to go in the gaiwan. Will see if any changes in later steepings.

Update: the tea did improve in later steepings indicating the sourness is either a dry storage or fermentation issue. It did not break down and I got about 12 steeps before deciding to stop.

Rui A. said

Have you still got any Chawangshop’s 2015 He Kai? I am just curious how it has developed and if it is worth me getting another cake.

Thanks Cwyn. Unfortunately it has been sold out already. I checked this afternoon.

Cwyn said

I drank it, only had 50-60 grams left maybe before the remainder got wet in an open container when I left it out during a downpour, so I tossed the rest. But I would have easily finished it by now anyway. It is not a tea I would store only because it really helps with edema. That one tea, I couldn’t figure out why that tea in particular works as well as it does, and another sheng doesn’t.

So I might buy it again, but would continue to drink it for edema relief rather than store it.

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1992 Zhongcha from Pubertea. I used 17g/150mL again, but the this tea is so compressed that if anything I under-brewed the first few infusions.

The storage on this tea is excellent, at least to my tastes. I was expecting to have to steep through at least a couple of brews of storage taste, but I actually found the rinse tasty. The other stand out feature of this tea for me was the huigan, which was wonderfully potent. Nothing else really stood out, but this tea did seem to check all the boxes.

The tea seems to have plenty of longevity left for a second day of steeping, and I look forward to it.

Yang-chu said

sorry le, but I can’t tell if this is a raw or ripe.


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2016 Wuliang H from Essence of Tea. Steeped it for a third time today. Past sessions were around 8g/100mL or so, today more around 14g/150mL; I haven’t bothered weighing so I’m guessing. I expect to get a full second days worth of steeping on this, thanks to the tea’s great longevity.

This is on the lighter side of things, but stays solid and interesting throughout the steepings. Plenty of complexity, and I get a light body focused qi that lasts throughout the steepings. The taste is a bit weird though. It’s mostly a nice thick sweetness, but there’s another part of it I find weird. My first thought of a descriptor for this taste was “gray”, but maybe rock is a better descriptor? idk.

This tea strikes me as a good value, and I find it very drinkable for a young tea. Of course YMMV. Might even age well too, but I really have little idea about such things.

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Matu said

Tried one of my Niu Bi (lt. Cow Cunt) puerh mini-tuos from Chayo Tea. It was complex and interesting, if not super tasty. Glad I got it while it was on sale as I wouldn’t really have wanted to pay full price for this one. If a daily drinker were one side of the spectrum, this one would fall squarely on the opposite side – not based on price, but just based on how…different…it is.

> The tea itself is strong tasting with a big bright perfume, lots of cat piss,

Now my interest is aroused. Cat piss?

I’m not sure what reference to “cat piss” you are referring to, but if you have a cat that likes to pee where it pleases, you soon have a good idea what cat piss smells like.

I’ve never experienced cat piss smell in a tea, but I have experienced piss smell before. It was in W2T’s 2015 Pin when fresh of the presses; the smell eventually left the cake.

Matu said

It was in the flavor description on the tea’s site. I did get a bit of that sort of aroma off the lid of my gaiwan, but didn’t taste it…I don’t think anyways. Not that I know what it would taste like :P

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