Side effects of drinking expired tea?

My friend found a bunch of ancient (not Pu-Erh good ancient) tea in his house, and we’re thinking of doing a tasting – just to see what they’re like. I smelled something labeled as Ti Kwan Yin. It smelled like Pu Erh.

Aside from getting several cupfuls of unpleasantness, is there any reason we shouldn’t do this? Is the flavor the only thing ruined when a tea goes bad, or is there actually health concerns?

5 Replies
gmathis said

I have no pu-erh knowledge, but the only side effect from old tinned stuff I’ve experienced is lack of flavor. When you’re desperate and need something hot, it’ll do.

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As long as it’s mold free, expired tea is expired only by epicure standards, but not expired by food safety standards. Some expired tea still have all the health benefits of tea.
If it’s dark brown Tie Guan Yin and smells like puerh, and if it was obtained from an Asian market, very likely it’s a Hong Kong style deep roast Tie Guan Yin, which has very long shelf life. Even if out of shelf life, it’s drinkable as long as it has been maintained dry all the time. Tie Guan Yin farmers like to keep some old Tie Guan Yin and believe it treats diarrhea and digestion problems well. No scientific evidence, but many people claim it works :D

Cofftea said

I agree. A while ago a lady tried a bagged tea she said must have been in her cupboard for at least 10 years and she said it was actually really good.

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Will said

It’s not expired… it’s “aged”.

gmathis said

I think I need that on a t-shirt.

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