Customer Rewards/Discounts
What companies give good discounts to their return customers? gives you frequent cup points for every dollar spent. Earn 100 and get a $10 coupon code. Additonal points can also be earned by emailing/tweeting coupon codes and from creating your own blends. Each time someone buys one you get 10 points.
i went to and and got 15% of a purchase to Maybe try searching those site. You may save money on your next order!!! love finding deals!!! if i can find more i will post! youre welcome!!!
it JUST came in the mail today!!! I got the Mango Green tea and it was excellent!! Green teas are my fav anyways…but mango is my fav fruit so i couldn’t wait to try it:) it comes with directions on steeping for how long and how much tea. It also came with a smaller tin of a free sample. Which, when I ordered i got to pick from like 5 different flavors. So i think i may order from them again!! has this point system too, where you earn points based on how much you spend in their webshop, but you also earn points when you review the teas on the site afterwards. Then you can use your points whenever you wish on a selection of things that could be anything from a tea sample or something or other chinese souvenier-ish item that doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with tea (which always kind of amused me a bit)
It’s been a good while since I shopped at Teaspring, but this is how it used to be anyway. has a loyalty program. You are rewarded “SBS Bucks” for purchases, with 1 SBS buck for every dollar spent, and I think you get $1.00 off your next order for every 20 points.
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