Vibrant Health®

Recent Tasting Notes


The Nutrition Source
West Boylston, MA 01583

Web for Vibrant Health is

A Comprehensive, Restorative, Advanced Daily Superfood+ Vegan D3
Green Vibrance + 25 Billion Probiotics
Version 14.0

**A review of Green Vibrance version 14.0 by Vibrant Health

Company: Vibrant Health
Superfood: Green Vibrance
Tea Type/Varietal: green
Steeping Vessel/Amt Leaf: cup/ 1 scoop
Liquor Color: dark forest green
Leaf Characteristic: smells of dusty soil/ dampen earth

Steeping: none

I decided to try this live culture of pro-biotic super food that is to be found in my purchase of Green Vibrance. I take one spoonful of the stuff and put this in my cup and adding apple juice into the mug I stir and stir vigorously until it all dissolved.

The pungency was strongest prior to adding the apple juice, now it is mildly pungent (if one is inhaling and expecting to find it) and the taste is a sweet mixture of apple juice with an earthy-ness kick to it. The coloring is a darken mixture of soil like green.

It is rawness mix or laced with apple juice and I drink this cup not as fast as when I had this mixed it only with water. The juice does make it more enjoyable, and knowing it is good for your health in that it supports digestion, skeletal health, liver health, detoxification and all body system; fights stress, builds energy & endurance is all the more reason to keep drinking this stuff and to reap these benefits over time.

Overall tasting notes: sweeten raw cup of Green Vibrance mixed with apple juice

Cup’s characteristic: raw dampen earth

Liquor color: dark forest green

Taste: grainy-sweeten with the apple juice mixture

Jennifer Sharpe 6 years ago

There are certain aspects of health I see as self-evident. But I would say good health, truly vibrant health is feeling at completely connected and alive, within and without.

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The Nutrition Source
West Boylston, MA 01583

Web for Vibrant Health is

A Comprehensive, Restorative, Advanced Daily Superfood+ Vegan D3
Green Vibrance + 25 Billion Probiotics
Version 14.0

**A review of Green Vibrance version 14.0 by Vibrant Health

Company: Vibrant Health
Superfood: Green Vibrance
Tea Type/Varietal: green
Steeping Vessel/Amt Leaf: cup/ 1 scoop
Liquor Color: darken earth
Leaf Characteristic: smells of dusty soil/ dampen earth

Steeping: none

I was given information for this Vibrant Health’ Green Vibrance and read up on it when I got home and took note of the fact that it aids in the support of healthy digestive tract (improving nutrient absorption), support healthy liver function and detoxification…and supports many more. I have only named some things of interest to my health.

I decided to have some of the Green Vibrance plainly with water. I take one scoop of the Green Vibrance and add it to a cup of water and stir it vigorously. It is an earthy, darken green coloring; like that of the earth and it has a pungent smell to it. When first smelling of this pro-biotic food, I think it is horrible, too strong in odor and when I sip of this green mixture it is semi-bitter and not at all pleasant. So I drink it very fast to be done with it.

I store the container after closing it in the fridge and I am reminded that this is a 15 day supply.

Overall tasting notes: strong dampen earth aroma with grainy texture and strongly bitter; well medium bitterness. I think this is why it is suggested that one mix it with liquid (preferably juice).

Cup’s characteristic: raw-dampened earth

Liquor color: darken green; like wet moss

Taste: bitter and medicinal

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