Recent Tasting Notes
If I’m honest, I would have had no idea there was pear in this until I went back and read the ingredients list. Maybe it’s the way I prepared it (standard 3-4 minutes in boiling water for black tea, spoonful of sugar and a splash of skim milk) but what I got out of it was a nice black base with lovely proper dark chocolate flavour balanced with roasty, toasty almond – not the sweet marzipan almond flavour you get with a lot of almond teas at all, but just the flavour you get from popping fresh almonds onto a baking tray and roasting them until the whole house smells warm and cozy. THAT almond flavour. It’s like drinking the burnt almond dark chocolate bars that were my mother’s favourite for many years when I was a young ‘un. No idea where or how pear comes into play here, but if it somehow sits under these other flavours and maybe just sort of makes them more awesome, I don’t really miss it at all.
And in other news, GUESS WHICH PAIR OF DORKS FINALLY GOT IT TOGETHER AND FOUND WEDDING RINGS THEY LIKED ENOUGH TO ORDER? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
aww. sweet!
Yay congrats!