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Sipdown! Right when I need this! No wait, it’s an immune boost PRE-cold sorta thing. I’m hoping it’s done something good because it’s like 4°C and it’s almost like I’m willing a cold virus into being with this much expectation. And with all this lying around on top of the blankets when I should be underneath them. And NO SOCKS!
Once I’m out of my current go-to cold teas (TasTea Sinu blend and DAVIDsTEA Cold 911) I’ll hit this up and get it back into the cupboard, for sure.
Ramming some more of this home as my final tea tonight because the temperature’s done a crazy drop in the last few days and so many people I know have cold viruses right now and how do I not? HOW DO I NOT? I haven’t had one at all this year yet! REALLY? THIS IS NOT THE IMMUNE SYSTEM I KNOW! BECAUSE WHEN IT COMES TO COLD VIRUSES MINE IS MORE LIKE A MUNE SYSTEM.
Ok be cool. Chill out. Drink more immune boost and fight the good fight, keep those tootsies warm. Get a good night’s sleep. (Seriously, I feel like a cold virus is staring at me from the darkness somewhere with the caption “SOON.”)
Aaaaaand the third and final Mr Earl April tea! Decided to knock these both over today because who knows when I’ll get a cold next? (I’ve just jinxed myself, haven’t I…) Though I guess this is called Immune Boost, not You Have A Cold Virus, so maybe I’m just helping steel my shoddy immune system for what’s to come. Actually that’s a good way to think about it. Drink on, Memily!
In any case, I was expecting to hate this tea. I expected a real licorice taste from the dry scent. But it translates really well once steeped and I’m happy to say it’s not the worst! Seriously, that’s good for me… plus any immuniteas do pique my interest, I really love sitting on a tea whenever I’ve a cold, they just make me feel better and aren’t illnesses all about placebos?
My mouth is lightly coated in olive leaf, I think (vague memories from mum convincing us to swallow teaspoons of olive leaf extract for colds), but it’s bearable and I’m nowhere near as miserable as I thought I would be after drinking this tea. Spectacular. I’ll keep the rest to see how it actually performs as a placebo, shall I?