Southern Boy Teas

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Mmm, rainbow sherbet. I have a few bags so I thought it was time to treat myself to one of them. I’ve yet to try it with milk to see what it would do to the flavour.

Emily M

That sounds delicious. Sherbet was always a favorite of mine when I was a kid. Wish this was still around!


I know, I was sad to see them not in-stock anymore. Maybe Frank will bring them back in the summer time.

Emily M

I hope so!

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Now this make some pretty droolworthy iced tea. I cold brewed it, which is what I usually do, and it’s bang-on on the rainbow sherbet smell and taste. I get more lime than anything else. I like this one a lot more than the Neapolitan Ice Cream because you get more of the flavours, since I found the Neapolitan to be a little too plain strong black tea in flavour.

Also, I didn’t bother adding anything to it because I like it the way it is. The rainbow sherbet makes it sweet enough. This hefty tea bag has brewed up one of the greatest iced teas ever. Merçi beaucoup, Frank!


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After reading other tasting notes I decided to cold brew this tea. Really couldn’t be easier. I filled up my pitcher to the 2 quart mark, put in the teabag and left it in the refrigerator overnight. I removed the bag after about 12 hours. I will try a resteep.

With the first taste I thought it wasn’t quite as good as hot steeping then icing the whole leaf version from last year. But today (it’s been in the refrigerator an additional day after removing the teabag) it’s perfect. Just delicious. So limey and creamy. No bitterness or astringency. Good tea flavor underneath. This is fantastic. It will definitely go on my reorder list.


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Cold brewed yesterday afternoon, had some this morning.

Just got off the phone with potential employer, some kind of pre-interview screening/chat thing. So nerve-racking! I hate that moment when you hang up and want to hit yourself in the head for all the things you messed up/should’ve said. Anyway, hopefully it’ll turn out well. Relocating soon and I need a job!

Oh yeah, the tea! This really does taste like sherbet! I added a little stevia to bring out the fruit flavors a bit more. That said, while I do like this and it tastes really great. I have some strange conflicted feelings about sherbet flavored tea, like it shouldn’t be possible. Who knows, maybe my brain is just addled from the call!

Iced 8 min or more

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Okay, so I had NO idea how to prepare this one. And the instructions I found, uh, a bit on the baffling side:

Steep one teabag in 16oz boiling water for 3 minutes, strain tea into 2-qt pitcher, fill with cool water, serve over ice.

Okay, from reading Frank’s comments about these bags making “two quarts” of iced tea, I figured the “2-qt” thing was two quarts, but that still leaves me with the following questions:

-If it makes two quarts, why not make that amount hot and then chill it? Why prepare 16oz first and then water it down? Is this basically instructions to make a concentrate with the idea that the added cool water will make it instantly ready-to-serve?
-If it’s in a teabag in the first place, why would I need to “strain” it?
-Dear goofy Americans and your goofy measurements, WHAT ON THIS GREEN-BUT-OZONE-DEPRIVED EARTH IS A QUART?!?

I had to consult several cookbooks (the internet machine was being used by my sister, unfortunately) to determine that this “quart” thingie is apparently a [baffling!] measurement of 1.89271 litres. (Okay, I actually figured out that it’s a bit under two litres, and the internet machine gave me the exact number just now. Shush.)

Which, I’m sorry to say, reminded me quite a bit of this:

I’m sorry America, but why. WHY AMERICA.

Anyway. Unfortunately, I do not even own a “2 quart” pitcher. I have a 1.6L pitcher (that’s 1.6907 quarts, for those of you following along at home), and that’s the biggest pitcher that will still fit in my fridge. Okay, I figured, that’s okay – the tea will end up a bit concentrated, but it’s RAINBOW SHERBET flavoured, so how could that be a bad thing?!

In the end, I decided to follow the instructions as exactly as possible, Just. In. Case. I put some rock sugar at the bottom of my pitcher, filled my 16oz Tea Master up with just-boiled water to get the measurement right, dispensed it into my pitcher and dropped the tea bag in.

Then I was left with the problem of how to fish the bag OUT again. Since it doesn’t have a string attached to it. Or, I guess, a rope, really, since it’s a big tea bag. I guess maybe that’s why the directions say to strain it?

Well, no worries! I figured, I’ll just use kitchen tongs! …But then I discovered (as my timer ticked down) that I can’t get the handle of the tongs past the opening. Whoops. I finally ended up just rolling up my sleeve, reaching delicately into the pitcher and fishing the bag out by one corner. Good thing I have pathetic skinny chicken arms; if I had hammy man-arms, my poor tea would have been screwed. Although I guess I could have tried pouring it back into the Tea Master.

I didn’t add cold water right away, since those darn rock crystals, awesome-tasting though they are, really don’t like to dissolve well. I added some more hot water and stirred until they did…then I added cold to fill, and stuck the whole thing in the fridge to chill for several hours. Whew! A more involved process for a pitcher of iced tea than I’ve bothered with before, but I guess I’ve got the details hammered out now.

So, the tea:

Dry smell is AMAZING. It made my entire kitchen smell exactly like rainbow sherbet from the moment I opened the bag! The wet smell is pretty much precisely the same, so I excitedly let my mother sniff the already-steeped bag, and she said it smelled like department-store perfume. (Sigh. I need to stop letting my mother smell my tea, because she always smells something strange in the leaves. No matter how bang-on the scent actually is, she always comes out with something like, “perfume,” or “paint chips.” Seriously, Mum?!)

Ultimately, it’s not quite as sherbet-y tasting as I was expecting. I was a bit surprised by this (given the strength of the tea’s scent), but there is definitely a smooth black tea coming through first, with sherbet more towards the back of the sip. But it’s definitely there, orange and lime and raspberry and something else that makes it specifically sherbet-like (and not like ice cream). The more I drink it, the more I feel like it grows on me, and indeed, the more I can actually taste the sherbet, too! This, like DAVIDsTEA’s Tropicalia and Root Beer Float is one that I decided to add milk to, because the cream (or something like it) implied by the flavour is so enhanced with a bit of milk. It didn’t exactly knock me over, but it’s still delicious, and I am going to go cold-steep the bag now for another pitcher to see what I can get out of it.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Autistic Goblin

I think they don’t use tea bags but rather just throw the loose tea in and then strain it out :D


Only having to heat up 2 cups of water is easier and less time consuming, and then adding the rest later also helps cool it off a little faster.

Also as an American I can’t stand our measurements. I was wondering last night why ounces have to be used for both weight and liquid measurement. It’s annoying and makes no sense and then it has that irritating ability to be just below metric measurements. The only one I can easily calculate from stupid American measurements is km and I only figured that out last year.


That’s because in America, we have the FREEDOM to measure things differently! Breaking the status quo!

…okay I don’t even believe at myself, we’re so backwards.


RE measurements, I agree SO HARD!


Hahahaha I love your review. It made my morning :]


OMG! Your review had me laughing so hard I cried!

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Oh my. This one exceeded my expectations. I had the neopolitan ice cream SBT and enjoyed that but this one is even better. I mostly get lime and orange and there’s a definite creaminess to it, this is incredibly refreshing. I’ll definitely be buying more of this. As a side note, I’m finding that I’m getting better results with these SBT teas when I take the leaves out of the bag and cold brew like normal.

Right now, for my next experiment, I’ve got a jug of Blueberry Zabaglione cold-brewing in the fridge and I’m sure that’s gonna be great as well.

Edit: I just noticed it’s spelled “sherbet”. My whole life I thought it was “sherbert”… Haha

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Since my huge package of tea from Amanda arrived today, I decided to try a bunch of things from this latest box (to kind of get a head start on it before taking it upstairs…!)

Picked this to try iced today. Brewed up in 2 cups of water and chilled it in the fridge. I’m drinking about a 1:1 mixture of it right now. I don’t think the teabags brew up quite as strong as I would like them to. Anyhow, it’s definitely limey, and I can taste a bit of the black base, but I’m almost getting a strange chloriney flavour with it. It’s a bit disconcerting. Kind of like smelling pool water. So this one’s definitely not my favourite, although for a lime lover who doesn’t smell chlorine, this is probably pretty tasty! Glad I only had Amanda pick up one of these for me though :)

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I don’t get chlorine from this at all. It’s just yummy lime goodness!

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drank Cotton Candy by Southern Boy Teas
4843 tasting notes

On the Seventh Day of Christmas, SBT sent me this tea!

And it is just as yummy as I remember it. I still prefer the cotton candy white tea to this, just because the lightness of the white tea allows the delicate notes of cotton candy to really shine through, but this one is still amazing. Love!

Here’s my full-length article:

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drank Cotton Candy by Southern Boy Teas
4843 tasting notes

I cold-brewed this tea last night and have been drinking it all afternoon. I sort of missed iced tea weather … but, I still prefer the cooler weather when I can comfortably drink hot tea all day!

This is as yummy as I remember it.


I hope Frank makes these again for summer time.


He’ll probably do something for iced tea … maybe some new flavors!

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drank Cotton Candy by Southern Boy Teas
4843 tasting notes

I’ve had a couple of glasses of this iced tea today (cold-brewed), and it is very yum. I must admit that I do prefer the original cotton candy, but this Southern Boy version is good too. Interestingly, I notice a chocolate-y tone to this toward the finish. Sweet, cotton candy-ish, and then caramel and chocolate. Quite a treat.

Frank, if you’re reading this … now would be a good time for one of those blow-out type of specials that you occasionally offer. How about like 40% off orders over $80. (see, I’m going to have to resubscribe within the next couple of weeks or so) If you do, I’ll add more of the Southern Boy teas to my subscription. :)

Anyway, this is very refreshing and delicious. Better than any soda!


I truly don’t miss soda any more. Double fudge milkshakes…uh,that’s another story…


Lucky for me I was brought up having soda allowed in my house only on special occasions, so I learned to like water. :)


@Kwinter … I wasn’t even allowed soda on special occasions. For us, it was either water or Kool Aid that had been sweetened with saccharine. YUCK! The tea that was in the house was Liptons… and I swear, the same box that was in the house when I moved out at eighteen was the one that my stepmother brought in to the house when they got married when I was eight…


I’m lucky with the tea, you could say I’m growing up in the golden age of tea in the west!


Yes, that is fortunate. I didn’t think I really cared much for tea until I was older and discovered the joy of loose leaf.

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drank Cotton Candy by Southern Boy Teas
6119 tasting notes

Arrived home today to 3 boxes of tea. With more stuff on the way. Oy vey. I suppose I could have mentioned earlier that I am (sadly) back at home now. :(

Anyways, one such box was from 52teas, because I splurged and went for the grab bag sale, and picked up some additional SBT tea bags so I could try almost all of the flavours (the rest were purchased a while back and are en route from Amanda! And I say almost all, because I have zero interest in RadioactiviTEA :P)

Figured I’d give this one a shot tonight, seeing as it’s the only one I bought two of, based on the rave reviews.

Brewed one giant teabag up in 2 cups of water in a pyrex measuring cup at approx. boiling for 3 minutes. So my “concentrate” needs to be diluted 1 part tea:3 parts water. I tried a bit tonight (probably the wrong proportion), and I must say that I’m definitely getting more cotton candy flavour (even lukewarm) than I got with the actual tea. It smells like spun sugar. It tastes like spun sugar. Delicious strawberry spun sugar. With a nice black tea background that’s neither bitter nor astringent. Nor too strong. This is truly a treat. I can see myself drinking through this rather quickly. I think the cup I made for myself might have been about a 1:3 mix, so I might stick with that instead of 1:4.

I stuck the teabag in the fridge so I can give it a second round tomorrow, because 2 bags is probably not enough to have purchased…

ETA: Had some more today and inexplicably didn’t like it as much. Must be a mood/tastebud thing. How annoying.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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Phew! How can life manage to be so busy and so dull at the same time? :P I’ve been swamped with school work in the final class of my online graduate certificate. It’s proven to be an astounding amount of work. Luckily, my full-time job is dependent upon the certificate, so they do allow me to complete assignments during work hours. Otherwise, I probably wouldn’t be able to do it.

It’s also been so hot, I can’t even imagine drinking hot tea. Well, I can imagine it, but it’s not appealing. Time to try another iced tea from 52teas’ spin-off brand, Southern Boy Teas!!

I love sherbet! Lime sherbet is probably my favorite. My mom always used to buy me some when I got strep throat. I hope this tea will be a healthier alternative! I brewed it up per the instructions on the packet, except I subtracted one cup of water so I could add ice without diluting it.

But just like with ice cream, I’m not sure sherbet translates into tea well. I believe this tea is lime, orange, and raspberry flavored. Honestly, that’s kind of a weird combination in my book. I’m not sure what to make of it.

The more I drink it, the more the flavors blend together to become a true sherbet taste. It’s good, and it’s definitely well made. It’s just not a favorite flavor combo of mine. I think it may take me a few days to finish off this pitcher. If you love these flavors, then you really can’t go wrong with this tea! I just prefer the strawberry, vanilla, chocolate combo in the Neapolitan Ice Cream tea.


Man, I am going to have to try the Neapolitan very soon!


It’s INCREDIBLE!!! You won’t be disappointed!


I can’t wait to try this one!

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I cold-brewed this and drank it all day yesterday and having my very last glass today after mowing the lawn.

This is really good, although I prefer the green tea Lime Jello Salad version from 52Teas better. The green tea seemed to go perfectly with the flavors. But this is very good, very refreshing, and very smooth. Sweet and pleasingly tart. Nice.

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drank Razzleberry by Southern Boy Teas
200 tasting notes

Ahhh, Southern Boy Teas. I was hesitant at first to order this because it sounded like a lot of tea to make at once, but since I ordered a Grab Bag, I decided to go ahead and order this, too. And so began my journey…

This is supposed to make 2 quarts, and I didn’t have any 2 quart pitchers, so I asked the boyfriend what he had – and he brought over a very large (and very nice) Jack Daniel’s pitcher. Problem was, after measuring it, it was just shy of 2 quarts (it was 1 1/2 – d’oh). So we began the long process of figuring out how we could get 2 quarts of tea across multiple vessels. It seemed like too much trouble, so we decided to split the teabag in half and make one quart’s worth… and then save the other half for another time.

So instead, we made 1 quart of tea. And.. it’s not bad. The flavor is definitely not bitter, but I’m not getting a lot of berry taste either. I’m wondering if since the pitcher is open, it’s dulling the flavor. It’s hard to tell. I really wish I had a better quality pitcher that was closed, but we make due with what we have. In retrospect, I wish this was made in 2 – 1 quart pouches. It would have been easier to split up, and it would allow people to make 2 quarts if they wanted to.

I’m going to rebrew this another way and reevaluate my rating a little bit later, but for now, I’ll keep it at this.


Instead of splitting the teabag, maybe you could brew 1 quart water with 1 teabag. You will get 1 quart of a more concentrated tea. Then split the brewed tea up into 2 separate pitchers and add another 1/2 quart of water to each.
This would work with hot brewing. I’m not very proficient with cold brewing teas, but I think this might work too.


Hmm.. that’s an interesting idea. I’ll have to play around and see. I think the problem is I’m just one person and it’s hard to justify these big bags of tea.

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I resteeped the bag last night (hot brewed) for iced tea today, and it is still quite delicious. The first infusion (cold brewed) was better, though, but this was still very good, and quite refreshing. Been sipping on it all day until just a bit ago when I decided to switch back to hot tea.


“I resteeped the bag”, words I never thought I would see in a LiberTEAS post. This must be miracle tea!


LOL! I’ve been resteeping these iced tea bags (hot brewed) for no other reason than to get two pitchers-full of tea from them. And I’ve not been disappointed. But, I don’t think you’ll ever end up catching me resteeping a commercial teabag… It takes a good deal out of me just to steep it the first time, and even if I do enjoy it, I don’t think I enjoyed it enough to resteep it.


I just re-read what I wrote and I DO sound like a tea snob, don’t I? Sheesh! Oh well, I don’t think that my acknowledgement of my snobbery will change my behavior when it comes to bagged tea.


lol My wife mentioned Starbucks today and I gave her the look. She said, “what? They have tea.” To which I replied, “Not real tea.” I still like my cheapster teas but I see no reason to over pay for bad tea. So tea snob? Eye of the beholder. One man’s trash, and other assorted cliches. We like what we like.

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Backlog: I have been drinking this all afternoon. This one is really, surprisingly good. I had my reservations, mostly because I usually prefer strong, bold teas like this served hot, and I usually want a lighter tea for iced tea.

But, this one is really excellent: bold but not overly aggressive, it has a deliciously smooth character and a hint of fruity notes in the background, with a wonderful fruity quality. Absolutely delicious and very refreshing.

Southern Boy Teas

This is one of my top five favorites. I wish I could flavor it. It’s just too bold.


I really liked this way more than I thought I would. I mean, I figured I’d like it because it’s an Assam blend, but, as I said, I typically prefer an Assam served hot rather than iced, because I feel like the chilling process sort of mutes out all those little nuances that make Assam great. But, this just WORKED. It is so good. For those who want just a good ’ole black tea with nothing extraneous, this is it. This will blow away that grocery store tea.


I almost didn’t buy this one too. But after reading your review, I feel more confident now about trying it. Thanks!


I was scared of CTC tea until I tried this. I thought it was totally awesome.

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This is the one that I considered not buying … and I’m really glad that I changed my mind and went for it.

I cold-brewed this, and it is really good. It is not as bold as I think it would have been if I had steeped it hot, and now, it has a very smooth flavor with fruit notes, hints of malt, and a lovely sweetness. It is still good and strong, and there is no bitterness or astringency.

A really awesome glass of iced tea right here!

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Another awesome iced tea from 52 teas! It tastes perfect and refreshing.

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Backlogging iced tea from the weekend…..

I am loving these new iced teas offered by 52teas! Nicely done, Frank! The berry notes in this are at a perfect level for a very refreshing pitcher of iced tea. I love the tea base. There is just the perfect amount of Darjeeling to make it bright and I am sure that adds to the refreshing quality of the tea. So happy that I have some more en route to me in the mail!

Usual iced tea method.

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drank Razzleberry by Southern Boy Teas
4843 tasting notes

Yum! I cold-brewed this one, and I am loving these teas cold-brewed. The flavor is so wonderful! The black tea is smoother, not at all bitter, just good and strong and very pleasant. Very little astringency. And the flavors come through so well, this tastes primarily of blackberry at the start, but at the finish the raspberry starts to really emerge, and in the aftertaste, I just taste fresh, ripe raspberry. Juicy and delicious and so refreshing!

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Oi, can I just drink one tea without spilling it all over myself? Obviously not.

Work is crazy you guys, is it the weekend yet? Nothing like filing a sexual harassment case to keep the stress down. not. Shout out to all the brave workers out there who aren’t afraid to stand up for their rights, and the rights of others! :D

Razzleberry! This is a great SBT!
It reminds me a bit of Black & Blue, which I really started craving after Liberteas shared hers with me in a swap. This one is a good substitute that I might keep in stock! The blend is sweet and full of flavour all on its own – I’m drinking a mix of the hot brewed tea and the coldbrewed. The flavour reminds me of rockets, or sweet hearts, without the tooth aching sweetness or chalkiness lol. I keep coldbrewing the same bag multiple times after the first hot brew – the bag has a lot of lasting power!

I also love how brewing with the instructions on the bag makes the perfect cup of tea! Usually recommended steep times are way off the mark (in my opinion) but this one is perfect and ILIKETHAT a lot!!!

This review was all over the place, but that’s how I feel today. SO there.


It’s okay to wear your tea when you’ve had a hectic day. I get it, aroma therapy! ;)


Yikes, glad it is the weekend, sounds like a rough start to the day??? :| I hate how everyone has all these SBT and I have none yet :( :(


Sexual harassment case? Uh oh. Good luck!! :/

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drank Monkey Fart by Southern Boy Teas
4843 tasting notes

On the First day of Christmas, SBT sent me this tea!

Since my SBT Christmas box came a little late I decided that I’d do this countdown during the actual 12 days of christmas. Or perhaps I should say that I will do the countdown on the Sororitea Sisters blog on the actual 12 days of Christmas. This is the iced tea that arrived for day 1.

This one is tasty cold-brewed, and the tea bag resteeps (hot-brewed) nicely for a second pitcher of iced tea.

Here’s my full-length article:

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drank Monkey Fart by Southern Boy Teas
4843 tasting notes

Last night, I hot-brewed the same teabag that I cold-brewed the night prior to see how it would turn out. I didn’t think I’d get much out of another cold-brew, which is why I hot-brewed it.

This is still tasty, but it doesn’t have quite the impact or the serious YUM factor of the first cold infusion. It’s still refreshing though, and was worth the effort of the second infusion.

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drank Monkey Fart by Southern Boy Teas
4843 tasting notes

With the successful cold-brewing of the rainbow sherbet, I decided to go ahead and cold-brew the rest of the Southern Boy Teas, starting with this one. This time, though, I decided to keep the tea bag so that I could hot-brew it tonight for tomorrow’s iced tea. We’ll see how that works out!

But for now, I’ll focus on the glass of iced tea in front of me. This is really yummy. I have had the Monkey Fart Honeybush and I loved that – and that was one of the teas that I’d brew in the morning for my daughter before she went to cosmetology school. Definitely one of her faves.

I think I could even serve this to my hubby and he’d enjoy it, but, I don’t think I will, otherwise he’ll drink all my iced tea today and I’ll be left with nothing but hot tea or chilled water, and I want my iced tea!!!

Babbling! Anyway, this is even better than the honeybush, I think, and I don’t know why that is exactly. But I love this. Very refreshing and delicious. YUM YUM YUM!


Monkey fart tea? lol. I don’t think I’d pick that one up..


I am not a monkey, just very slow, do not operate vehicle. How about degenerate tea review…that would be more me. Sometime upon log in and seeing what is being reviewed I take it as directed at me or revealing something of my life and those I knew. I know it is so; I simply cannot understand why do this? It happens where ever that I am some person is always there revealing past err or just things done. Why?


@CupofTree – I felt very much the same way when he first announced it with the My Sweet Honeybush blend… but I do love banana teas so much that I couldn’t allow myself to be repulsed by the name for too long. I just have to hide the tea packets from my husband, because he would never let me hear the end of it.


Hahaha, I never even thought about the name being unappealing. I just don’t like banana flavor in tea.

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