Smoky Mountain Iced Teas

Recent Tasting Notes


To make up for the other bland iced tea today, I made a pot of this one. This is my favourite black to steep cold and southern style. Sweet and rich without being too much of either, I treasure every pot I make of this. Especially since the company is no more.

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I’d never had southern iced tea from the southern states before this one, and wow, was it a great quality tea to start with. When brewed the southern style it made me want to just sit on a verandah all day watching the condensation dripping down my glass, unable to do more because of the heat. It broke my heart that when I went to order more, the company was no more. Just in case I asked my friend who sent it to me (who lives in the area) and she confirmed that she can’t find it anymore. Woe, this tea was better than almost any independent tea I’ve come across, especially for a tea in a bag!

(Note, for those who don’t know, steps to making this tea Southern style:

Step 1 – use freshly drawn cold water, and bring to a boil.
Step 2 – let tea steep 4-5 minutes in your favourite teapot, more if you like it super strong.
Step 3 – Add sweetener (Regular, 1 cup sugar, Southern, use 2 cups)
Step 4 – Fill a 1 gallon picture with ice, pour tea over ice.
Step 5 – Stir and enjoy! )

Boiling 8 min or more
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Daddyselephant 13 years ago

Oh my god, the homesickness that welled up after reading this post! I’m from Tennessee (living in Toronto now), and the Smoky Mountains are where my family spent every vacation. I used to make sweet tea by the gallon for my friend’s dad when I’d stay at her house, and I made it daily at Pizza Hut as well. We used to love serving it to the “Yankees” and watch them freak out about the sugar content XD.

Oh man. Thanks for this trip back home!

Tina S. 13 years ago

I still have almost a full container of the tea . . . if you’d like some I’m more than willing to share a few bags. hugs

Daddyselephant 13 years ago

Oh, no, I couldn’t, but thank you hugs True Southern Sweet tea is almost as bad for you as Coke! XD. Besides, any Southern girl worth her salt knows how to make a good pitcher of sweet tea out of any old black ;)

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