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drank Cold Brewed Oolong Tea by RL
16975 tasting notes

The last of these “RL” cold brews that I picked up from T&T.

Honestly, this was maybe my favourite. It was very smooth and nutty with notes of golden grains, a little bit of honey, and just a little bit of roast and minerality. It’s really a shame that I enjoyed it so much, because I actually only drank about a third of it before leaving it in the back of an Uber. Womp womp.

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Another T&T iced/bottle tea find!

It’s interesting to me that the English translated name on this bottle specifies Japanese green tea whereas the black tea version did not give a country. I assumed that meant this would probably be a Sencha or similar, but I was pleasantly surprised with my first few sips because this was very nutty and a little toasty tasting. Not like a sencha/gyokuro or really most steamed Japanese green teas at all. Not really quite so heavy/intense to make me think of a hojicha, though? Maybe a little roasted kukicha??

I don’t know. The whole bottle left me very confused exactly what type of Japanese green tea this was made with, but I did enjoy it very much. More than the black tea from the same brand, in fact! It was just so smooth, fresh, and clean tasting with a perfect natural sweetness and nuttiness.

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drank Cold Brewed Black Tea by RL
16975 tasting notes

I picked up a couple different flavours of cold brewed tea from this company (to try something new) while shopping at T&T last week and it was only when I got home that I realized that there was virtually no English on the bottle to identify the brand name with. Literally the only English was the letters “RL”, the printed out sticker/label with the NFT and ingredients (cold brewed black tea), and then right on the bottom of the bottle it said “a product of the coca cola company”. So this is almost certainly not getting logged under the right now, but it’s as good as I can get…

Anyway, this was pretty good! I like that it’s just tea – no sweetener or anything like that. You can taste it too. It’s very strong tasting with a lot of malt and dried fruit notes, but also quite smooth with a bit of a floral finish. Not at all sweet, which kind of just made it even more refreshing seeming!? I also got the oolong and green tea versions, so definitely excited to try those out too.

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