Remedy Kombucha

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…and just like that the case pack is done! Finished the last one while cranking out all of these tasting notes for Geek Steep. I’ll be buying this one again; it’s super crushable and great for summer. Adult Sunny D.

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I just finished washing all my teaware/dishes so I’m now trying to not generate any new dirty dish that needs cleaning before flying, sooo kombucha for the rest of the day most likely! Still really enjoying this – only one more can in the case left and that’s probably gonna be gone before I fly out…

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Just popping in a second tasting note for this so that my “cups drank” in my cupboard is accurate – but I had this can back to back with my last one, so same thoughts as my first tasting note!

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Picked up a four-pack of this a few days ago because I thought it might be nice to have some more summery kombucha flavours on hand in the fridge! Thinking about it, orange isn’t a kombucha flavour I’ve seen a whole lot which is maybe a little bit weird since it seems like it should work so well with the more acidic notes. Sure enough, this is bright and a little bit tangy and sour but ultimately REALLY tasty. It’s a bit like a more adult version of a Sunny D or a Tang instant orange drink powder. Juicy but not overly sweet, and just super lively and sunny tasting.

I’ve actually already had half the pack! It’s just been very nice having this to reach for, and it’s a surprisingly chuggable kombucha…

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Just logging that I have now officially finished off a full case of this kombucha! Will I buy it again? Y’know, probably! It makes me hopeful for more Remedy Kombucha flavours since the last few I tried before stumbling upon this one were not so good…

I’m looking at you, Cola.

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New favourite kombucha? Well, that’s probably a stretch seeing as Gutsy owns my heart when it comes to repeat kombucha purposes. However, this one is climbing the ranks and it’s been my favourite thing to crack open and cool down with this past week after coming home from late nights at work just exhausted and overheated. Just sweet enough, just tart enough, and just vinegar-y enough.

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Ended up picking up a few more cans of this last weekend while out grocery shopping. I just thought the flavour was really pleasant and I quite like the idea of having a ‘grab and go’ caffeine boosted kombucha for my morning commute. Crisp, tart and sweet blackberry flavour. Straight forward, but yummy!

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So this is part of Remedy’s new “energy” line of caffeine boosted kombucha which, frankly, is something that strongly appeals to me in concept – hoping they put more flavours out!

I was really disappointed in the Cola flavoured from Remedy that I recently tried, but this was on the opposite end of that pendulum. So tasty! Kind of a jammy blackberry flavour but with a tangy, tart top note and crisp vinegar-y finish. I think it’s actually my favourite flavour Remedy has put out yet.

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drank Cola by Remedy Kombucha
16975 tasting notes

I haven’t really loved a lot of the Kombucha I’ve tried from Remedy but their (I think) new Cola flavour was really intriguing to me so I had to give it a spin. It does start with a really nice crisp, bright and refreshing cola note that makes me think a bit of the cola bottle gummy candies minus the sugar overload. However, the finish is just straight vinegar in taste. Like, almost painfully acidic and harsh and that’s coming from someone who LOVES vinegar. It was… a lot. Too much, in fact.

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As always, I couldn’t resist picking up this newest kombucha flavour from Remedy! Though this lacks a little bit of that kombucha vinegar funk I crave, I think this is actually my favourite flavour from Remedy yet! It took me like 90% of the can to actually place the specific thing that the flavour was reminding me of, but it finally came to me. It’s like Smucker’s strawberry jam but fermented/bubbly. Really quite good!

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I’m not really sure how else to describe this kombucha apart from the fact it tastes like the “kombuchafied” version of the cherry pieces in a pint of Ben & Jerrie’s Cherry Garcia ice cream. Not the ice cream or the chocolate, mind you – just the cherries. It was actually really good; I’d buy it again. Maybe the best flavour I’ve tried from Remedy!?

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Couldn’t remember if I’d tried this kombucha before so I decided to pick up a can during my last grocery shopping trip – turns out that I have had it before. I guess, while I found the flavour profile average, I liked it okay last time I had it. This time around I think I was more critical – it had some nice tangy tropical fruit notes (leaned more mango IMO) but it also had just a bit of that “body odor” thing that sometimes happens with really concentrated tropical fruits. Not fun to drink a lot of at a time, so this became a sipping kombucha for me.

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This is another ‘new to me’ flavour from Remedy Kombucha.

I couldn’t find it on their website, so I’m not sure if that means it’s an older flavour of their (limited edition?) or if it’s a newer flavour – but regardless I did like it a lot. It tastes very sweet for a kombucha, which I think is from the mango, and it’s also pretty generically tropical in flavour – but it was super refreshing and easy to sip on, and impressed me more than most of Remedy’s flavour options have so far.

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I saw two new Remedy Kombucha flavours last time I went grocery shopping so of course I had to pick them up – I’m not sure if they’re fall flavours or part of their main assortment, but regardless they’re new to me.

This was delicious – I think it’s actually my favourite flavour from Remedy so far. It tasted liked a hard cider, but with a bit more pucker/kombucha vinegar tang! Really straight forward, but perfectly themed for the time of year.

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This is the best one from Remedy yet – basically tasted like a mojito in kombucha form with a splash of lemon and how can you go wrong with that!?

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drank Peach by Remedy Kombucha
16975 tasting notes

Haven’t had the motivation lately to get another batch of kombucha going, so grabbed a few more from the market to keep myself stocked up – including some other flavours from Remedy that I hadn’t tried yet.

I wasn’t super impressed with this company based on the first two flavours that I tried but I thought that these ones were a slight step up. This was definitely pretty peachy and it did have some of that “kombucha funk” that I love so much – but it wasn’t reinventing the wheel or anything. A perfectly fine peach flavoured kombucha but nothing that would make me excited at all.

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This is the other flavour I tried from Remedy, and I had a similar experience to the Raspberry Lemonade flavour where it did taste delicious but not necessarily like kombucha. In this case, it was more like having a nice and spicy, crisp ginger beer with a hint of lemon juice added to it. Liked the flavour and would drink again, but missing the “kombucha factor” I want…

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My local grocery store seems to be stocking some of this brand’s flavours now, so I grabbed the two they were carrying in smaller bottles (200ml) to try out before deciding if the bigger bottles were worth getting…

The thing is, I liked this. However, it really just felt like a fizzy lemonade with a hint of raspberry more than any type of kombucha. I could easily drink a bigger size of this and it would be delicious, but when I buy a kombucha I want it to taste like whatever they’ve flavoured it as and like kombucha. I want the acidic, vinegar-y bite.

So, not sure how I feel about this one overall.

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