drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
518 tasting notes

This was one of my free samples from Nina’s. Really nice. This is a really nice balance.

I found the steeping directions on Etsy, and went with those. (1t/158 °F/3min) I’m really glad I did, because otherwise I would have had no idea where to go with this, being a blend like it is.

Yes, this tea is really good. I didn’t get too much from the black, probably from the low temperature. I definitely taste the green and the rice and the caramel vanilla. Nice. Really nice. It’s very creamy and toasty nutty and just the right amount of green to it.

160 °F / 71 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Still relatively new to drinking teas, or so I feel, even though I’ve been at it for several months now.

I’m drinking more and more of different varieties of tea.

It’s been a few months that I’ve been on here. I’ve expanded from greens and flavored teas to now I’m all about the oolongs and some unflavored blacks. I’m mostly drinking unflavored teas now, but there are a few of those flavored ones that have a special place in my heart.

Pu-erh is also something I’ve recently found that I enjoy.

I have four kitties and a spouse.


Metro Detroit



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